Production Manager

RBK is delighted to be partnering with our client, Killeshal Precast Limited, on the recruitment of a Production Manager to support the expanding operations. About:Killeshal Precast Concrete has developed a market leading position within the construction market. Our 55 years of experience has generated many innovations, technically proven products and solution solving systems for our client base.Position Overview:As we enter a new phase of our development, we now seek an experienced Production Manager of director level potential to further drive our product manufacturing capability. Our precast concrete portfolio has achieved significant recognition for design, performance, quality and on time delivery. Your task is to continue this performance level and with your skill base add to our ambitious growth targets.Key Responsibilities:1) Production Planning and Scheduling:Adapt manufacturing programmes to meet project requirements.Work closely with the Marketing and Sales Team in developing new and innovative products.Working closely with Marketing and Sales Team meet sales forecasts within agreed budget.2) Quality Assurance:Understand and implement necessary quality control procedures and meet construction industry standards.Through continuous product improvement programmes, identify and cost new market leading processes.3) Team Leadership:Inspire and lead your team of production supervisors, plant operators and supporting personnel.Focusing on continuous product improvement and development provide coaching, encouragement, mentorship and leadership enhancing employee performance and career opportunities within the business.4) Operational Efficiency:Identify opportunities for process improvement and implement cost-effective solutions.Maintains and works within assigned project budgets.Monitor production metrics and implement strategies to optimize efficiency and reduce waste.5) Safety Compliance:Ensure safety protocols operate to the highest standard maintaining a safe and secure working environment.6) Resource Management:Together with Procurement and Marketing and Sales ensure raw materials stocks are in line with sales forecast.Manage stock levels within agreed working capital ratios.7) Continuous Improvement:Lead and drive a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the production department.Determine, recommend and implement improvements to the production process as required.Stay informed about industry trends, technologies, and best practices.Key Competencies:Strong understanding of production processes, quality control, and safety regulations.Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills with the ability to build and motivate high-performing teams.Demonstrated problem-solving and decision-making abilities.Familiarity with lean manufacturing principles and continuous improvement methodologies.Bachelor’s degree in engineering, Operations Management, or a related field desirable.Proven experience in precast concrete manufacturing, with at least 5 years in a leadership role desirable.Benefits:Competitive SalaryPotential Shareholding in the future for the right candidate**Application Process:**Interested candidates should submit their resume and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience and achievements to sarahkinsella@rbk.ieKilleshal Precast Concrete is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply.*Note: The above job description is a general outline of the responsibilities and qualifications typically associated with this role. It is not exhaustive and may be subject to change as the organization's needs evolve.*

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