Consumer Insight & Application Research Associate

Overall job purpose:1.Develop a deep understanding of consumer insights, consumer decision journey, consumer segmentation, market, and competitor dynamics.2.Represent the consumer within the innovation and product development pathway.3.Support the creation and substantiation plans for strong marketing claims.Background:We are actively recruiting for an exciting new role within our expanding clinical department. We are looking for a new team member, strongly fitting the User Research/Consumer Insight role. Candidates most suitable for this role will be T-Shaped individuals who are exceptionally skilled in at least one competence, yet cable of applying knowledge outside of one’s own area of expertise. Solid experience in the field of Product Development is desirable.Your key mission will be to identify consumer needs and tension areas and to translate, verify and validate these insights through clinical and application research. You will coordinate information from various departments, and work in collaboration with the clinical team to design highly specialized, consumer-centric investigations. Using a range of research techniques and methods, you will aid the design of future studies linking in ‘habits and needs’, plus ‘usage and attitudes’ of consumers around the world to inform product development. You will be responsible for running end-to-end consumer research to drive product development/enhancements. You will gather materials to launch surveys, work with Excel data and write reports. You will also utilise historical research results and plan new research projects in this segment.Key Objectives/KPI’s•Collect and analyse customer data from various sources to identify trends, patterns, and correlations.•Develop and maintain customer segmentation models to better understand customer behaviour, preferences, and needs.•Conduct in-depth analysis of customer journeys, interactions, touchpoints to identify pain points and areas for improvement.•Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including marketing, product development, customer service (quality), to gather requirements and define KPIs for customer insights.•Design and execute surveys, focus groups and other research methodologies to gather qualitative feedback and insights from customers.•Utilise statistical techniques to forecast customer behavior and outcomes.•Prepare reports, dashboards, and visualizations to communicate insights and recommendations.•Report to the Clinical Director on progress at relevant intervals during execution of the project.•Support the creation and substantiation plans for strong marketing claims.•Safe-guard consumer satisfaction throughout the life cycle of the solution before product launch•Apply relevant tools fitting the project, to verify and validate consumer needs.Skills, Know-How & Experience:•An academic degree in consumer orientated education, such as User-System Interaction, Design for Interaction, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Industrial Design, Social Psychology or other equivalent qualification•Experience working in user research, consumer science, industrial design, psychology in the domain of product or service development.•Working experience with UX/UI design•Broad understanding of key consumer research methodologies•Sound understanding of statistics.•Experience in marketing/product development.•An in-depth understanding of consumer insight generation and proposition development processes.•Experience in consumer analysis and proposition writing.•Proven track record of creating strong communication briefs/plans.Essential Attributes•Consumer-Centric. You are passionate about the consumer and understand new consumer behaviours. You keep the consumer top of mind, bringing an outside-in perspective in all you do.•Brand-Oriented. You maintain the company’s brand at the heart of your decision making, to maintain our competitive advantage.•Excellent Planning Skills. You know how to manage your role within the project team.•Proactive Attitude. You can take the lead and proactively represent the end-user in our innovation process. You are a forward thinker.•Data & Insights Driven. You are results driven. You can leverage data and different consumer and business insights to identify key opportunities and potential problem areas.•Excellent Communication Skills. You are an inspiring communicator, able to move things forward in an empathetic way. Communicating clearly and concisely•Integrity & Respect. You maintain high standards of honesty and trustworthiness and consider ethical implications of issues and decisions.•Energetic & Curious. You are enthusiastic, and accountable for your own work. You have the passion to deliver results in the short and long term. You are very curious and empathetic towards consumers and customers.•Agility. You work with urgency, analysing and adapting to different situations, quickly understanding changes, and reacting confidently and decisively. You embrace an agile mindset.Ideal Experience• Previous experience in a hands-on Market Research/Consumer Insight role• Experience delivering customer research projects.• A mix of quantitative and qualitative experience• Experience with product and communication evaluation studies is desirable.• Experience in group moderation or 1-1 interviews is desirableIn return we offer competitive rates of pay, 25 days holiday plus Bank holidays rising to 28 with length of service, 5% Company pension contributions, Company sick pay, career development opportunities, Employee Assistance Programme and Cycle to Work Scheme.CyDen is committed to being an equal opportunities employer and values diversity.

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