Product Design and Development Apprentice

ABP Food Group is one of Europe’s leading integrated agri-food businesses, with divisions specialising in food production, pet food and renewables. Over our 70-year history, we have grown to 14,000 strong team and have built a reputation for quality and innovation. Our Early Careers programme offers opportunities across all of our divisions including apprenticeships, graduate and industrial placement pathways. ABP UK, part of the ABP Food Group produces quality fresh and frozen beef, lamb and frozen meat-free products to some of the nation’s leading supermarkets and restaurants, including a number of Michelin Star establishments. Our ABP Linden sites are an award-winning manufacturer and produce products for Marks & Spencer and other retailers too. New Product Development (NPD) Apprentice: Start your product innovation career with ABP Linden! Location: ABP Linden, Dungannon, Northern IrelandSalary: £24,000Hours of Work: 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday, 8am – 4.30pmReporting to: NPD Product ManagerStart Date: Negotiable – We will work with you around your current job or education commitments! Why Join Us?Learn While You Earn: Combine practical experience with classroom learning to achieve a Level 5 Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) in Food and Drink Manufacture, validated by Ulster University.Grow Your Career: Start with us as an apprentice, and who knows? You could become a future leader in product development.Award-Winning Support: Our Early Careers Academy has been recognised for its commitment to helping young people succeed.Endless Opportunities: With ABP, you can explore a variety of career paths—not just in product development but across food production, sustainability, and more.Friendly Team: You’ll be surrounded by mentors and teammates who will help you every step of the way.What You’ll DoAs a New Product Development (NPD) Apprentice, you’ll gain hands-on experience and insight into every department, including technical, commercial, operations, planning, purchasing, and more.Here’s what your role will involve:Innovate & Develop: Assist in creating new products and improving existing ones to meet market demands.Research & Analyse: Conduct market research and analyse trends to support product developmentCollaborate: Work with various departments to ensure successful product launches.Maintain Standards: Adhere to health, food safety, and hygiene standards.Track Success: Monitor product performance and gather feedback for continuous improvement. Who We’re Looking ForYou don’t need experience—just the right attitude and the drive to learn!Are you someone who:Loves working as part of a team and building positive relationships.Is curious, eager to learn, and ready to make a difference. Is organised and good at meeting deadlines. Has an eye for detail and likes to get things right. Feels comfortable speaking up and sharing ideas.If this sounds like you, or something you'd like to explore, we’d love to hear from you! What You’ll NeedMinimum of two A-Levels or equivalent qualifications (including a Level 3 Extended Diploma or Level 3 Apprenticeship).Minimum three GCSEs or equivalent qualifications at Grade C or above, including English Language, Mathematics, and a science subject. •Commitment to the 3-year HLA apprenticeship in conjunction with CAFRE.Excellent communication skills.Willingness to learn, the right attitude, determination, and ambition.Must be 18 or over by September 2024. Future Career Path ProgressionUpon completing your apprenticeship, you'll gain valuable qualifications and experience, opening doors to various roles within ABP UK. This apprenticeship is a stepping stone to advanced qualifications and specialised roles within the company.

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