Product and Campaigns Specialist

Who we are:Part of the DCC Group, Flogas Ireland was established in 1978 supplying Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) throughout the island and to this day remains one of the leading suppliers in Ireland, servicing a diverse range of market sectors, including commercial, agricultural, and domestic.Over the years, Flogas has evolved and grown as an Energy business, and with the acquisition of Budget Energy, based in Derry, and Flogas Enterprise Solutions, (formally known as Naturgy) we are now also a leading supplier of Natural Gas and Electricity, as well as Renewables, including Corporate Power Purchase Agreements, and energy services in both residential and commercial markets across the island of Ireland. We have an esteemed reputation within the Energy Industry and have been awarded the NSAI Quality System Certificate from the I.S. EN ISO 9001 SeriesAs a Flogas Group, we are now driving our growth strategy to achieve our vision of being Irelands leading provider of total energy solutions, meeting our customers changing needs and delivering to the highest possible standard.Why work with us?Flogas is a well-established business within the DCC group and is continuing to grow, becoming a top provider in the energy sector, making it a very exciting time to be part of the Flogas Group. We offer a warm and welcoming environment, valuing our people and their input into the business. We encourage a collaborative workplace, where everyone feels included and heard. Benefits:Competitive SalaryDefined Pension ContributionHealthcare AllowanceStaff discountsHybrid work options (role dependant)Health and Wellbeing SupportsLearning and Development OpportunitiesCareer Advancement is important to us in Flogas. All our roles are advertised internally, and we encourage internal progression right across the business. About the role:Reporting to the Solar and Renewables Manager, this person will have responsibility for assisting with the management of the energy services business. The renewable electricity markets in Ireland present a real growth opportunity for Flogas Energy and this role exists to support and manage our business growth. Key Responsibilities:Assist the energy services team with the roll out of new products and services. This role will involve network development, product testing, and campaign management.Manage all sales enquiries and qualify leads for sales team. Ensure that leads are correctly being reported on by partners, are being followed up with by partners, and that partners are maintaining KPIs.Develop, implement, and make improvements to campaigns (sales, lead generation, brand).Manage the network of third-party partners who represent the Flogas Energy brand.Be the POC for marketing and assist them with new campaigns that build awareness for new and existing ES products and services.Be the POC for customer care and assist with any after-sales enquiries.Work with the EEOS team to ensure Flogas Energy meet their annual obligations.Champion new technologies and bring learnings to the wider organization. Create businesses case where necessary to launch new products or services.Develop a broad base of expertise (technical, operational, quality, contractual, risk & control, financial, billing, networks, marketing) in the business to support a growing and complex business line.Work collaboratively and support colleagues in the development, selling and implementation of electricity related offerings ensuring robust contractual frameworks and supporting process integration to maximize commercial benefit, minimize commercial risk for Flogas Energy and ensure optimal process execution by Flogas Energy.Stay abreast of and ahead of industry and regulatory developments relevant to renewables and power; and actively seek to influence these developments in Flogas Energy’s interests. Candidate Profile:The ideal candidate will ideally hold a degree in sales, marketing or business management.This person will demonstrate a passion to succeed and the motivation to continue to learn and to adapt as the Organisation grows and evolves. The person will have good people management, communication, verbal, written and numeric skills with excellent attention to detail. They will be highly organised with an ability to multitask and prioritise. They will be very comfortable building and nurturing relationship withs customers and contractors alike. They will show an appetite to learn more about the industry and became a Flogas champion for new technology. They will be pro-active in their approach to problem solving, process innovation and industry networking. Flogas is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.

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