Procurement and Supply Chain Manager

Blackrock Clinic is the leading and longest established private hospital and clinic in Ireland. Since it opened in the mid-1980s, the clinic has consistently built an unparalleled reputation in new high-tech surgical procedures, medical treatments, and ground-breaking diagnostics. Blackrock Clinic is now part of Blackrock Health private hospital group along with the Hermitage Clinic, Galway Clinic, and Limerick Clinic, some of the most advanced hospitals in Irish private healthcare. As a JCI accredited hospital, Blackrock Clinic is a progressive and pioneering hospital in which care for the patient is central to everything we do.Job Title Procurement and Supply Chain Manager (PSCM)Job Function Finance and ProcurementLocation Blackrock Clinic and related sites in DublinJob PurposeBlackrock Health is a successful private hospital group operating in a very competitive marketplace. Obtaining best value in our supply chain is critical to the ongoing success and future development of Blackrock Clinic and the Blackrock Health Group. The Procurement Manager is responsible for the provision of quality commercially focused procurement, supply chain and contract management services. As a key member of the frontline management team, the role will drive value for money in all purchasing activities with a key focus on medical consumables, demonstrate managerial and leadership skills and collaborate effectively with colleagues across all departments of the hospital. The role requires a constant drive for improvement and cost savings in the supply chain, a strategic approach to the development of procurement services and supplier relationships and a commitment to continuous quality improvement and management of changes necessary to achieve organisational objectives.Key Responsibilities Operations·      Develop and implement policies and procedures for the procurement of supplies, materials, equipment and services. ·      Liaise closely with Director of Nursing & Other clinical leads in respect of procurement of all clinical products/ services; liaise closely with other department heads on a regular basis in ascertaining their procurement requirements.·      Manage the Supply Chain Team to drive continuity of supply, savings and efficiencies·      Ensure governance and compliance with all the relevant procurement standards for a hospital·      Lead and manage the purchasing and supply chain team/officer·      Be a leader in the development of the EHR system and a fully digitised procurement process·      Promote and support the operation of the Group Procurement function·      Lead Value for Money Initiatives.·      Provide high quality and timely procurement reports to relevant departments and senior management; prepare annual service and operational reports on the procurement function. ·      Participate in any relevant committees. ·      Manage the Health & Safety requirements and any Risk Management issues of the department.·      Develop supplier relationships to ensure all deliverables; cost, quality, technical support, process control, logistics and the overall service levels are achieved with continuous improvements.·      Monitor and evaluate the performance of suppliers to ensure that all parties re complying with contractual terms. Supply Relationship Management ·      Manage reporting metrics and preparation of forecasts and budgets, including annual budgeting.·      Identify the best in class procurement model based on purchase classification, market analysis, and strategic positioning. Including Category Management.·      Take responsibility for identified Categories as required.·      Manage and direct the end to end Request For Proposals (‘RFP’) process; direct and participate in the preparation of RFPs; analyse RFP responses; negotiate and develop favourable agreements and contract terms, securing discounts where possible; recommend contract awards to selected bidders; draft contractual agreements and prepare/present contractor recommendations as appropriate to management for approval ·      Act as a specialist buyer for certain goods and services, as may be required.·      Support colleagues directly involved in the procurement process.·      Authorise orders over a specified value.·      Presents achieved savings quarterly to Executive management team·      Monthly review with clinic CFO and Group Head of Procurement on spend categories Contracts Management·      Identify and select relevant areas of non-pay expenditure for contractual opportunities.·      Design and ensure compliance with appropriate procurement processes regarding all contracts, within the context of established best practice.·      Interpret policies, laws and regulations; ensure that procurement department complies with JCI standards as well as the requirements of other regulatory agencies.·      Manage and direct ongoing contract administration activities; provide management oversight of day-to-day purchasing and warehouse functions; review and approve new term agreements and blanket purchase orders if applicable; promote the standardisation of equipment and supplies whenever possible.·      Negotiate and manage rental/lease agreements; negotiate and manage cooperative agreements with other organisations as authorised.·      Ensure compliance to all relevant national and international procurement guidelines and regulations. People Management·      Provide management and leadership for the Purchasing team and ensure an effective training and learning environment taking an active part in the delivery of services as appropriate.·      Promote an environment that is conducive to the development of best practice, enhances staff retention and promotes good industrial relations.·      Maintain a high level of staff morale, promoting good communication, team spirit and job satisfaction among members of the multidisciplinary team. Strive to ensure that staff are accountable, responsible and have authority to practice and manage within their roles.·      Play a role in the recruitment and selection of staff for the service.·      Ensure that all new staff in the department receive an adequate orientation and induction programme, have a clear understanding of their duties, responsibilities and standards of performance at all times.·      Ensure that the team are effectively supported with annual reviews and the development of personal development plans.·      Provide a duty roster that ensures resources are deployed effectively and efficiently to cope with fluctuations in workload, complexity, adequate skills mix, planned department activity or staff absence difficulties.·      Comply with all HR system and policy requirements including recording of relevant data.·      Establish a formal mechanism for communication among the team including schedules for staff meetings. Quality Improvement, Risk Management and Health & Safety·      Promote a culture of safety, promoting positive reporting of incidents and near misses; investigate and take remedial action on incidents or near misses involving patients and staff according to hospital policies, protocols and guidelines.·      Ensure that there is compliance with all relevant hospital guidelines, policies, procedures and relevant legislation and regulatory requirements. This includes responsibility for dealing with regulatory or professional bodies and inspections. ·      Encourage continuous review and evaluation of policies, guidelines and existing practices through regular audit programmes and review engaging with the multi-disciplinary team where required.·      Promote a culture of continuous quality improvement across the department involving the team in continuous improvement initiatives and encouraging innovation. ·      Set and monitor core objectives, standards and key performance indicators for the service and monitor performance against these standards through internal and (where applicable) external audit.·      Lead out on the requirements of the hospital’s accreditation process.·      Participate fully in the requirement of the hospital’s risk management programme.·      Work with members of the team in devising Standard Operating Procedures for the development of the Department.·      Provide leadership in proactively addressing ethical and quality of service issues with multidisciplinary team members and hospital management.·      Develop a culture of safety, promoting positive reporting of incidents and near misses; investigate and take remedial action on incidents or near misses involving patients and staff according to hospital policies, protocols and guidelines. Essential CriteriaKnowledge/ Experience ·      3rd level qualification (Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Engineering or Finance) (level 7) or equivalent·      5+ years post qualification experience in similar role·      Experience operating in a complex, fast paced environment ·      Experience conducting significant Negotiations·      Contract Management experience·      Experience of a digital procurement environmentSkills/ Competencies ·      Negotiation skills·      Self-starter·      Management and Leadership skills·      Building & Maintaining relationships ·      Driving innovation ·      Communication and Interpersonal Skills·      Results Driven & Accountable ·      Analytical Skills ·      Strong IT Skills Desirable SkillsKnowledge/ Experience ·      Healthcare / Hospital experience·      Electronic Health Record experienceSkills/ Competencies ·      Change Management·      Project ManagementPlease Note:Job descriptions are a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review and amendments to meet the changing needs of the service. Please note that we reserve the right to close this vacancy early if sufficient applications are received.Blackrock Clinic is an Equal Opportunities employer, and we are committed to creating an environment that promotes equality and dignity at work. Blackrock Clinic is committed to providing reasonable accommodation when needed. Please advise if you have particular requirements, so that we can look into arranging reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process. You can contact us at It is essential that you have valid work permission for the Republic of Ireland to take up employment for this position, or in the case of critical skills, you must be eligible for a work permit.

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