Procurement Administrator

Role Definition-•To assist on the optimum planning, scheduling, reporting and procurement of the department.•Work in an efficient and effective manner to the “Company Best Practice” and personal development plan.•Assist with stock of raw materials and Dry Goods to deliver site requirements through effective purchase plans within customer specifications.•Ensure Bill of Materials is always updated •Manage the intake of raw materials against purchase plans.•Develop relationships with outside suppliers to ensure the strategic links are in place for purchasing raw materials.•Manage freezer stocks through sales plans in line with group pricing.•Develop Relationships with colleagues, internal departments and supplying sites •Support the ongoing maintenance of site supply chain tools•Assist with production plan which fulfils customer requirements•Assist with sales order processing. Creation of picking sheets and amendments•Ensure all the paperwork is completed promptly.•Develop relationships with colleagues and internal departments in alignment with site requirements•Resolution of delivery/quality/pricing issues •To ensure our products meet our customer requirements and ensure 100% service levels to customers.•Communicate accurately and timely •Function coverage to cover holidays and sickness•To carry out any additional duties that may be reasonably requested by your manager.•Team building - To attend regular team meetings with department staff and to liase with immediate manager.•Comply with Company Policy to ensure the adherence on all matters concerning Health and Safety.Knowledge and Experience-The ideal candidate will be someone that can: work in a fast-paced environment, good communicator and team player. The candidate should be computer literate, organized with a “can do attitude”.Hours Of Work-Monday - Friday (06:30am-15:30pm)Salary-TBC during the interview.

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