Process Analyst (Accounts Receivable)

About us:The Irish Times Group is Ireland’s leading independent quality news publishing organisation. With a history of producing trusted content, we have evolved from six-day print publishing to a seven-day, multi-platform news publisher, maintaining a market-leading position. In addition to the Irish Times, our group includes the Irish Examiner, The Echo, Regional newspapers, The GLOSS Magazine, radio stations, and digital platforms such as and - Process Analyst (Accounts Receivable) We are looking to appoint an experienced process analyst (accounts receivable) to work as a key member of the group finance function. Reporting to the Accounts Receivable Team Leader in the Irish Times and Examiner Group, this position will be based in Cork.Demonstrating a track record in accounts receivable, the successful applicant will be responsible for the preparation of weekly and monthly direct debit cycles, assist in the monthly accounts cycle of group companies and assist with internal and external audits. They will also be required to ensure that optimum efficiencies are achieved and identify how processes and/or procedures within Finance are designed and delivered more efficiently and cost effectively. Excellent interpersonal communication skills are required for the role for responding to both internal and external customers, to include though not limited to face-to-face meetings, remote communication by means of telephone, and/or e-mail, as appropriate.The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to work independently and as part of a team, have effective time-management skills, and an adaptable approach to a fast-changing media environment.Desired Skills and Experience:Experience/qualification in finance particularly accounts receivableExcellent Communication and Interpersonal SkillsSelf-motivated with the ability to work independently and meet targets.Excellent time management and organisational abilities.Benefits:Company Pension ContributionIncome Continuance CoverHybrid WorkingSick Leave PayDigital Subscriptions to Group PublicationsBike to Work Scheme

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