Pro Shop Assistant

Carr Golf, headquartered in Park West Business Park, Dublin 12 is certified A Great Place to Work and roles with us are exciting, challenging and customer-focused. We are looking to recruit a Part-Time Pro Shop Assistant at Elmgreen Golf Club, Dublin 15.This role has a Customer Care focus, will involve some administrative tasks, and will suit someone with a retail background who has a passion for golf. You must have previous experience in a golf pro shop or good working/playing knowledge of golf. Key ResponsibilitiesAssist in the day-to-day running of the Golf Operations.Deliver exceptional customer service in the golf operations and retail department.Monitoring and maintaining stock levels of the pro shop.Along with the Manager you will have responsibility for opening, closing, and decision-making within the agreed boundaries, of the golf and retail operations.Day-to-day operation of golf management software and website.Updating and maintaining tee sheets.Making contact with members and non-member golf players each day.Maintaining the driving range and assisting with golf ball collections.Key RequirementsPrevious experience working in a retail (preferably golf) environment.Excellent customer service skills.Opening and closing procedural experience including cashing up and reconciliation of point of sale.Good working knowledge of the game of golf.Golf equipment knowledge.Computer skills including the Microsoft Office suite.Must be a team player and able to work with staff from different departments and a diverse group of customers.Must be able to do early mornings and late evenings.Must be flexible with working days, including weekends and bank holidays.BenefitsCompetitive SalaryDiscounts on golf retail.Complementary golf roundsCar Parking on site

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