Practice Nurse/Midwife

Job Title:        Practice Nurse/MidwifeContract: Permanent, part-timeHours: 20 working hours across Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. 1 in 4 Saturdays.Location: IFPA Clinic, The Square, Tallaght Dublin 24. Salary:            €46,000 - €52,000 per annum pro rata DOE. The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) is Ireland’s leading sexual health provider. We provide a wide range of services at our medical clinics and nationwide counselling centres, including specialist pregnancy counselling, abortion care, sexual and reproductive health services, and education and training.IFPA practice nurses provide cervical and STI screenings as well as assisting doctors with sexual and reproductive health consultations. Additional training will be provided if necessary.Key Responsibilities:·      Provide clinical services including cervical screening, STI screening, and bloods.·      Provide long-acting reversible contraception counselling.·      Carry out monthly stock check and order medical supplies.·      Provide appropriate information and advice to IFPA clients or refer clients to doctors or counsellors.·      Carry out pregnancy testing.·      Assist with early medical abortion care as outlined in the HSE’s model of care.The successful applicant will require:·      Full registration with Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)Desirable:·  2+ years experience in a primary care setting· Certificate in contraception (or equivalent)· Certified smear-taker A full job description is available at Apply here:*Applications will only be accepted if submitted at*A panel may be formed for the filling of future vacancies.For more information contact

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