Pop Up Country Manager (Retail)

Reporting to: Head of Business Development & Growth Location:  Naas, Co. Kildare with some nationwide travel required for events (company vehicle can be provided) Role details: Full time, permanent post. 37.5 hours per week. Days of work and working times will vary from time to time depending on the schedule of the pop up events.Closing date: 2nd January 2025 All applicants must submit a CV and cover letter outlining your motivation to apply. Candidates must be available and eligible for full-time work within the EEA. Garda vetting may be carried out for the person in this post in line with Vision Ireland's Garda Vetting policy. Vision Ireland is Ireland’s national charity working for the rising number of people affected by sight loss. Our practical and emotional advice and supports help 8,000 people and their families face their futures with confidence every year. As a member of the Retail Team, the Retail Pop up Country Manager will be responsible for developing a pipeline of potential supporters that will have a significant positive impact across Vision Ireland in current and future years. You will be responsible for the development of our Pop up business model by harnessing strong relationships and growing awareness of Vision Ireland nationally through this channel. This function will significantly contribute to our revenue stream for Vision Ireland Retail. Duties & ResponsibilitiesDuties and Responsibilities·     Project Management of the Pop up planning and execution.·     Manage and nurture third party relationships with Corporate Partners.·     Manage our four Pop up pillars which includes festival, Designer events, Corporate events and in Store activations.·     Manage the Pop up mobile team planning, rostering, training and development.·     Oversee the Pop up customer experience with emphasis on excellent customer service and in store activation.·     To ensure smooth operational efficiency in relation to opening times, staff coverage, shop accounting, cash handling and inventory management.·     To support the visual layout ensuring they are attractive and in keeping with relevant themes and promotional initiatives.·     Responsibility for customer service queries ensuring accurate information in relation to product features, pricing and after sales services is provided to the customers and team.·     Business partnering with the stock acquisitions, visual, volunteering and retail operations teams.·     To be familiar with in-store health and safety and undertake responsibilities relating to items such as fire extinguishers, first aid, emergency procedures and manual handling.·     To manage any difficulties that may be experienced by volunteers.·     To fully acquaint yourself with the in-store health and safety protocol, policies and procedures that relate to company operational matters.·     To engage with all statutory in-house training andto attend meetings and company events where appropriate.·     Any other reasonable duties that may be requested by the Shop Manager and / or Area Manager.The job description is intended to detail key duties and responsibilities required from this position. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and activities required. The holder of this position is required to respond with a flexible approach when tasks arise which are not specifically covered in this job description.  Skills & experience requiredExperience·     Prior experience as an Area Manager, Store Manager or in a similar role is essential·     Flexible approach to working hours to meet the needs of the business.·     Full, clean drivers licence essential·     Willingness and availability to travel as required ·     Availability to work flexible hours as required ·     Project management experience desirable but not essential·     Highly energetic and dynamic·     Customer focused with a passion for sales·     Self-motivated and trustworthy·     Creativity and innovation.·     Time management and organisational skills. Competencies required Skills / Competencies·     Self-motivated and action oriented, with the ability to work on own initiative·     Tenacity and creativity·     Project management experience desirable·     Commercial acumen·     Networking, and Presentation skills with the ability to build relationships, internally and externally                             ·     Demonstrated ability to plan, organise and prioritise, working to optimise outputs·     People and relationship focused·     Ability to prioritise multiple projects and their competing demands·     Passion and commitment to the aims and values of the organisation Accessibility, Equality, Diversity and InclusionVision Ireland is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is afforded equality of opportunity. It is our policy to recognise people as a key resource required for successful attainment of the organisation’s mission. In support of this, it is important to remember that differences between people, whether devised from their different backgrounds and personalities, cultures and/or their different abilities, can be a source of strength to the organisation.We welcome, encourage, and embrace people of all backgrounds, to include those with disabilities, accessibility plays a huge part of ensuring that the needs of all our employees and service users, can access our systems and services, with ease and respect, in a supportive environment, enabling all to effectively engage our services and achieve our goals whether they are an applicant for employment or an employee requiring special facilitation.

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