Plumbing Counter Sales

TJ O’Mahony Kilshane, Kilshane Cross, Finglas, D11 HX8P, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking to appoint a Plumbing Counter Sales person to join our Team.Roles and Responsibilities:·       Develop a first class plumbing and heating centre.·       Selling to both retail, trade and commercial customers.·       Preparing quotations.·       Dealing with suppliers and ordering products.·       Stock control and merchandising.·       Using our in-house software.·       Assisting with general sales within the branch.Skills Required:·       Considerable plumbing & heating product experience.·       Experience in selling in a trade-oriented environment.·       Be highly motivated, innovative and want to be part of a great team.·       Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills.Benefits:An attractive remuneration package for the successful candidate.Hours: 39 Hours per week (Monday - Saturday)HPC Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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