Plant Fitter Galway

We are seeking a Plant Fitter to join our team. The successful candidate will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of a wide range of mechanical equipment and systems. Tasks may be emergency, reactive, planned and corrective. Responsibilities:•  Carry out the planned preventative maintenance programme.•  Conduct regular inspections of mechanical equipment to identify and diagnose faults and wear and tear.•  Repair and replace worn or damaged components.•  Assemble, install, and test new mechanical systems and equipment.•  Fabricate parts and components as needed.•  Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of maintenance activities.• Follow safety procedures and regulations at all times.• Participate in continuous improvement initiatives and provide input for equipment upgrades.Requirements:•  Previous experience in a similar role•  Strong knowledge of mechanical systems and equipment, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems•  Previous automation experience desirable. •  Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills•  Ability to work independently and as part of a team• Good communication and interpersonal skills 

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