Physiotherapy Manager

Physiotherapy Manager   Full-Time, Permanent.    Applications are currently sought for a full-time and permanent contract for the post of Physiotherapy Manager in St. Michael’s House.  The Physiotherapy Manager will report to the Director of Adult Clinical Services, their line manager. They will also be accountable to the Director of Children and Young Person’s (CYP) Services as relevant with regards to their role in CYP Services.  The successful candidate will work collaboratively with management, clinical, frontline and other shared services within SMH to champion and ensure the provision of person-centred, evidence based Physiotherapy Services. A large dynamic and innovative team of Physiotherapists provide supports to children, young people and adults across a variety of settings in SMH. The Physiotherapy Manager holds all operational, line management and clinical governance responsibilities in the provision of Physiotherapy services in the Adult Directorate. In CYP services, the Physiotherapy Manager will work closely with the Children’s Disability Network Managers. The Physiotherapy Manager will provide supervision to Physiotherapy employees. He/She will have a key role on the SMH Clinical Advisory Group for CYP Services which will provide oversight and guidance on key aspects of clinical governance for the provision of high quality Physiotherapy services at a network, specialist and lead agency level. The Physiotherapy Manager will play a key role in supporting CYP Physiotherapists in their transition to PDS networks. Essential Criteria for Application: Degree/Masters in Physiotherapy that is approved by Physiotherapy Registration Board CORU and have current registration with CORU. Minimum 5 years post-graduate experience, with at least 1 of these at Senior Physiotherapy level. Have experience working in community-based disability services. Excellent communication, initiative, time management and teamwork skills   Desirable Criteria for Application:  Experience in management, supervision, and leadership in the areas of operational and strategic planning Working knowledge of Progressing Disability Services for Children and Young People and New Directions policy Masters qualification in a relevant field of study. Informal enquiries are welcomed by Caroline Howorth, Director of Adult Clinical Services at Tel: 087 2026364.   Closing Date for receipt of applications is Friday 19th November 2021 at 9am. To apply: Please attach your CV and Cover letter (Word format only), Please outline in your cover letter your suitability for the role taking in to account the criteria in the above advert. Remember to include a valid e-mail address, as this is the way you will be contacted for interview.   St. Michael's House provides a comprehensive range of services and supports to children and adults with intellectual disabilities and their families living in the Greater Dublin Area. Our mission is to support individuals to achieve their potential and live as independently as possible in ordinary places in the community, connected to natural support networks. St. Michaels House is an equal opportunities employer

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