Physiotherapy Manager

Physiotherapy Manager Full Time Permanent Mater Private Network is Ireland’s fastest growing private hospital. Here, at the Mater Private Network, we take pride in being at the cutting edge of private healthcare in Ireland. We are a JCI accredited Hospital.An exciting opportunity has arisen in Mater Private Dublin for a Physiotherapy Manager to join our team on a Full Time permanent basis.Purpose of the role:The primary role of the Physiotherapy Services Manager is to provide leadership in the development and delivery of services and structures in the Physiotherapy Department focusing on patient care.A key area of responsibility will be to lead, manage and develop Physiotherapy staff ensuring a high standard of service delivery. Continuous quality improvement and the management of change are central to this role.The post is both managerial and clinical and there is an expectation to provide clinical cross cover to the areas as patient caseload demands.  Professional QualificationsBachelor of Physiotherapy Degree from the National University of Ireland or equivalent recognised by CORU.Be a member or be eligible for membership of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists.Six years post qualification experience.Post graduate qualification and management training essential. Job description available on requestMater Private Network is an equal opportunities employer

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