Physiotherapist (Staff Grade) in Specialist Palliative Care

GradePhysiotherapist (Staff Grade) Responsible to/Report to:The post holder shall report to the Physiotherapist Manager Accountable to:Director of Nursing & Head of Allied Health Working Hours:35 hours per week.  Working Relationships:Liaise with all Medical, Nursing, Health & Social Care Professionals, Clerical/Administrative Staff, Service Users, External Persons and Organisations as required. Essential Criteria:Candidates for appointment must: ·           Be registered on the Physiotherapist’s Register, maintained by the Physiotherapists Registration Board at CORU·           Be a member of, or be eligible for membership of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists·           Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills And·           Have the clinical and administrative capacity to fulfil the functions of the role Desirable Criteria·        Membership of appropriate clinical interest groups.·        Experience in respiratory care/neurology/rehabilitation Main Duties & Responsibilities (Post Summary)The provision of a quality Physiotherapy service in line with standards of Physiotherapy practice. To provide quality, client centred Physiotherapy assessment and treatment to identified client groups as directed by the Physiotherapy Manager. Duties & Responsibilities (Overview)The Physiotherapist Staff Grade will:·        Carry a clinical caseload appropriate to the post·        Be responsible for client assessment, development and implementation of individualised treatment plans that are client centred and in line with best practice.·        Be responsible for goal setting in partnership with the client, family and other team members as appropriate.·        Communicate and work in co-operation with other team members·        Develop effective communication with and provide instruction, guidance and support to service users, family, carers etc.·        Document client records in accordance with professional standards and departmental policies·        Provide a service in varied locations in line with local policy / guidelines and within appropriate time allocation (e.g. clinic).·        Participate in review meetings, case conferences, ward rounds etc. as appropriate·        Maintain professional standards of practice·        Maintain quality standards of work and co-operate with quality assurance programmes·        Work within own scope of professional competence in line with principles of best practice, professional conduct and clinical governance.·        Seek the advice of relevant personnel when appropriate / as required·        Operate within the scope of practice of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists ·        Participate in mandatory training programmes·        Take responsibility for, and keep up to date with Physiotherapy practice by participating in continuing professional development such as reflective practice, in service training, self directed learning, research, clinical audit etc.·        Engage in performance review processes including personal development planning·        Participate in the practice education of student physiotherapists. Take part in teaching / training / supervision of staff / others as appropriate (once sufficient clinical experience has been attained) and attend practice educator courses as relevant to role and needs. A full and detailed job description will be available to candidates.

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