Staff Grade Physiotherapist

Job Title: Staff Grade PhysiotherapistDepartment: Allied TherapyReports to: Allied Therapy ManagerDate: 2024Overall Purpose of Job We will provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do. Key Responsibilities and Deliverables 1.     PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES:1.1.  Deliver an effective and efficient inpatient Physiotherapy Service based on assessment of needs.1.2.  Administer the highest quality of service by identifying and implementing operational procedures in line with best practice standards across Cardio- Respiratory, General Medical/Surgical and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Services.1.3.  Keep abreast with new developments, skills and technology in Beacon Hospital, to ensure continuing competence in the job.2.     MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES:2.1.  To create and promote good working relationships through open communication with all other medical and Allied Health Professionals      2.2.  To participate and present in the in-service training programmes.2.3.  To actively participate in and promote continuing education and research activities consistent with the position.2.4.  To supervise undergraduate students with the support of Allied Therapy Manager and UCD Beacon Academy Practice tutor.2.5.  To supervise and support physiotherapy assistants. 2.6.  To maintain appropriate records and statistics sufficient for organisational and legal purposes to include work related injuries/incidents.2.7.  To regularly review and aid the seniors in updating the Physiotherapy Cardio Respiratory and Orthopaedic Service Policy and protocol documents.2.8.  To participate in the on-call with standby rota as per Department needs. 3.     STAFF MANAGEMENT3.1.  To be professional, dedicated and punctual at all times.3.2.  To encourage professional development of all team members through promotion of self-learning, formal courses and in-service training.NOTE 1. The hours of work are at the discretion of the Allied Therapy Manager andin line with service needs within a 35-hour working week, with evening cover once per week and on-call/standby rota duties as above.  Person SpecificationQualificationsCandidates must hold a degree in Physiotherapy or an equivalent qualification and be registered with CORUExperience Post graduate experience in acute hospital setting desirable Job Specific Competencies and Knowledge Assessment, Clinical Reasoning and Documentation 1.     Demonstrates ability to complete a subjective assessment of patient and their condition, including:a.)    Patient’s perceptions of their needsb.)    Precautions to treatment2.     Demonstrates choice of appropriate treatment intervention through sound clinical reasoning3.     Recognises own limitations in clinical judgement and consults with other more experienced clinicians.4.     Adheres to departmental assessment templates.5.     Utilises references to expand knowledge of assessment tools.6.     Adheres to documentation protocol.7.     Collects basic data accurately and precisely using medical chart.8.     Keeps accurate statistical records electronically.9.     Writes progress reports to primary source of referral in a timely manner10.   Recognises limits in clinical -- Judgement and seeks multi-disciplinary collaboration    Protocols1.      Appropriately utilises post-op protocolsPersonal Competencies All posts in Beacon Hospital require a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service. Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their manager of hospital management. This job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility and deliverables at the time of its writing. As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in light of the changing needs of the Hospital.

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