Physiotherapist - South Dublin Nursing Homes

Here at Beechfield Care Group, we deliver high quality resident / client centred care across Ireland.As part of exciting growth, we have an exciting opportunity for an experienced Physiotherapist to join our talented team, providing Physiotherapy service to Beechfield Manor Nursing Home, Shankhill, Co. Dublin and Glengara Park Nursing Home, Glenageary, Co. Dublin. This is a full-time (40 hours per week) position covering both homes mentioned above, however part-time applicants can also be considered. The post holder must be enthusiastic, motivated, committed to resident focused care.Duties Include:Design and Development of focused individual care plans and group exercise sessions to maintain and improve quality of life for the resident communityProviding ongoing one to one physiotherapy sessions to residents based on completion of initial baseline assessmentsMaintaining and updating individual resident recordsWorking hand in hand with the home medical team to integrate physiotherapy as an integral part of the care plansTo assist in the provision of education and support to clients, families and carers within the Nursing Home setting.To work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and participate in staff meetings and case conferences when necessary.To assist in the provision of training and information to other staff.To ensure safe, efficient and effective work practices with review of same on an ongoing basis.To contribute in a positive and energetic manner to the overall development of the Nursing Home and the services it provides.Setting outcome measures using research based functional and fitness assessmentsTo ensure that confidentiality is always maintained.Any other duties as requiredThe successful candidate should have:CORU Physiotherapy RegistrationAbility to organise and prioritise independentlyExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsWork within the governance framework of the home and comply with regulatory standards (HIQA).Benefits:Free ParkingFree Meals on siteFlexible working hoursPaid breaksPension schemeEducation & Development Support: genuine opportunities to advance your careerEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLong service, Employee recognition and appreciation awards

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