Photobar Sales Assistant - Poppyfields ( Part Time 16 hours)

McCauley Pharmacy, the unique and highly successful "One Stop Health and Beauty Shop", are the leading Irish owned pharmacy chain with 36 branches nationwide and over 500 colleagues. We are currently looking to hire a part-time, Photobar Sales Assistant (16 hours) to work weekends in our Poppyfields, Clonmel branch.As a Photobar Sales Assistant you will be responsible for taking care of the Photobar counter and shop floor sales and be the main point of contact for our valued customers.As the face of McCauley Pharmacy it is important that the successful applicant demonstrates excellence in the following skills and attributes:Photo or Electrical sales experience is desirable.Interest in photography and digital photography is an advantage.Have excellent attention to detail and be very organised.A bright, enthusiastic and positive outlook on how you do your job.Excellent merchandising skills and attention to detail.Ability to communicate and get along with a variety of different personalities.Passion for the delivery of excellent customer service.Have the ability to prioritise work.Excellent selling skills and good product knowledge.We can offer you:Competitive Hourly ratesGreat Colleague DiscountBike to work schemeUniform providedAwards for long serviceTo apply for this role, please submit your Cover Letter and CV through the link below.Please note only successful applicants will be contacted.

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