Pharmacy Technician - Northgate, New Ross (Full Time, Permanent))

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy are a unique and highly successful "One Stop Health and Beauty Shop". We are the leading Irish owned pharmacy chain with 38 branches nationwide and over 500 colleagues.We are currently looking for a full time, permanent Pharmacy Technician to come join our team in our Pharmacy in Northgate, New Ross, Co. Wexford to work alongside a small friendly team.As the face of McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, it is important that the successful applicant demonstrates excellence in the following skills and attributes:Previous post qualification dispensary experience is essential.Be accurate with excellent attention to detail.Must have excellent communication skills and be capable of working on own initiative.Be flexible in approach to work.Ability to communicate and get along with a variety of different personalities.Ability to prioritise and work under pressure.Ability to work effectively and harmoniously in a team environment.Must have a strong work ethic.To apply for this role, please submit your Cover Letter and CV through the link below.Please note only successful applicants will be contacted.

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