Pharmacy Technician - Dublin 13

McCartan's Pharmacy Group, a thriving family owned Irish community Pharmacy group, are seeking to add to our fantastic team in our Dublin 13 pharmacies ; Sutton, Bayside, Donaghmede. Purpose of Role: To work as part of a strong dispensary team to support the Pharmacist to care for the community through dispensing prescriptions and advising patients.ResponsibilitiesTo prepare and dispense medicines under the supervision of the pharmacistOrdering and controlling stock levels of medicinesPreparation of blister packs Tracking the reimbursement claimSkills Required:*** Pharmacy technician course ***Over The Counter Medicine CoursePrevious dispensary experienceExcellent communication skillsFriendly, hardworking, team player to fit into an already strong pharmacy teamWe offer Flexible working environmentTraining & DevelopmentExcellent remunerationGenerous employee discountExcellent experienceShankill – McCartan's Pharmacy (

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