Pharmacy Technician Dublin

McCabes Pharmacy are currently recruiting for a Full time qualified Technician with 2+ years' experience for the following storesWoodstownLucanLuskCitywestSpringfieldSandyfordSwordsRathbealeThe ideal candidate must have experience of dispensing in Ireland, and understand the HSE schemes fully. The candidate must have a full understanding of all the operational tasks expected of this role. You will need to be able to work under pressure and as part of a team with good attention to detail.Duties include;Excellent patient carePreparing prescriptionsOrdering medicinesControlling stock levelsCustomer servicePreparing blister packsSending claims/following up on claims About McCabes PharmacyMcCabes Pharmacy is one of Ireland's most loved Pharmacy providers pioneering truly innovative services over the past 40 years. We are a fully Irish owned company founded values of compassionate care, advice you can trust, speedy service and excellent value for money. The patient and customer are truly at the heart of what we do .The teams that serve our customers are central to our organisation. Our commitment to our staff is to enable them to develop their careers and to have as many opportunities to be the best they can be. We support our team with continuing education, great working conditions, flexibility, and good incentives and benefits and a fun loving working environment. If you think you could flourish alongside us, please apply now.

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