Pharmacy Technician

Summary of Responsibilities:PharmacyStore is an Irish-owned community pharmacy group with 5 stores, over 60 employees and strong ambitions to continue to grow. We are situated in the local communities we serve and understand the importance of what we deliver to our customers and their families. The role is based in our Newcastle West store. A Pharmacy Technician is a key member of the team and is a key person providing excellent customer and patient care as per the Pharmacy Technician qualification and requirements. Roles & responsibilities included in the role are outlined but not limited to below. Professional Practice:·      Understands the Pharmacy Practices and Procedures including the laws and ethics of dispensing.·      Understands the appropriate PSI controls and regulations and operate within the requirements.·      Maintains computer records and ensure that the paperwork pertaining to the various schemes is kept up to date and in line with Company procedures.·      Maintain good stock control including rotation of stock, maintaining appropriate stock levels, using correct suppliers, and ensuring that the delivery details are correct as set down by the managing pharmacist.·      Maintain the standards and cleanliness with the dispensary as directed by the Managing Pharmacist and in line with Standard Operating Procedures.·      Operates all schemes aligned with requirements ensuring timely and accurate submission.·      Be aware of the scope of the Pharmacy Technician role and of all circumstances needing referral. Supply of Medicines:·      Receive, record, and assemble prescriptions, issue the appropriate receipts collaborating with the Pharmacist to manage complexities or changes.·      Provide over the counter medicines appropriately recommending suitable medicines referring to the Pharmacist where appropriate.·      Ensures accuracy in the dispensing process by monitoring, reviewing, and taking appropriate action to minimize/eliminate errors. Customer Service:·      Deal with customers in a professional and efficient manner understanding the standards of customer service required by PharmacyStore.·      Escalate any issues to the Duty Manager(s) when and where appropriate.·      Make recommendations on how to improve customer service where appropriate.·      Assist with over-the-counter sales and other front of counter duties.·      Understand the impact of good customer service on the overall business. Organisation & Training:·      Builds a strong working relationship with all team members in the pharmacy to ensure a seamless and consistent delivery of service to our customers.·      Participate in training and development programmes provided by the pharmacy and be initiative-taking in developing the job function.·      Actively supports their own development and ensures they are qualified, trained, competent and fit to perform functions assigned to them.·      Builds competency and knowledge in any scheme requirements.·      Understands who are the key stakeholders and communicates effectively at all levels. Ensures communications are clear, understandable, and frequent.·      Take ownership for specific projects or initiatives as assigned.·      Integrates as part of the team and is a true collaborator providing support where and as needed. Business Acumen:·      Understands the pharmacy business and how the Pharmacy Technician role fits into and plays a part in PharmacyStore Group.·      Can cover in any of the PharmacyStore locations supporting where and when required.·      Understands the budgetary impact of decisions and actions taken.  Desired Skills and Qualification:·      Pharmacy Technician Qualification (required)·      Pharmacy: 3+ year (preferred)·      Have a strong customer focus·       Ability to work on your own initiative as well as part of a team

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