Pharmacy Retail Supervisor, Southside Stores Dublin, Full Time

Meaghers Pharmacy Group - Pharmacy Retail Supervisor - Southside Stores DublinThe Role: Meaghers Pharmacy Group is looking for an energetic Retail Supervisor, for our Store, in Dublin's Southside. The successful candidate will be as passionate about the beauty industry as we are in Meaghers. We are a successful Irish owned company, under the inspirational leadership of our award-winning Managing Director, Oonagh O’Hagan. We were delighted to win the Retail Excellence of the Year Award at the Chambers Ireland InBusiness Recognition Awards recently. This award recognises Meaghers best practice innovation and excellence in promoting, advertising, communicating, and marketing of our products and services. Meaghers has been recognised as a Great Place to Work, and as one of Ireland’s Top 30 medium-sized Great Places to Work for the third consecutive year at the Great Place to Work Ireland Awards. We were also recognised as Retail Employer of the Year at the Retail Excellence Awards last November. If you are motivated and are looking to progress your career, and for a company that inspires innovation, embraces diversity and offers an inclusive work environment, then we may have the role for you. Responsibilities: ·      Support the Supervising Pharmacist, in leading the day-to-day retail operations within the store.·      Manage, motivate and develop the Retail team.·      Ensure adequate stock levels are maintained at all times.·      Target-driven approach to Store KPIs.·      Consistently deliver excellent Customer Service.·      Maintain excellent shop-floor presence.·     Lead by example in the store.·      Merchandising promotional stock to maximise sales.·      Assisting Head Office in Inventory tasks within the store.·      Cash handling responsibilities.·      Conducting weekly team meetings to ensure all colleagues are aware of company initiatives.·      Ensuring the daily roster is implemented and any changes are highlighted to the Area Manager.·      Provide support to the Skin Lab team including training, taking bookings, arranging cover.·      Driving Health and Safety requirements in store as per instruction and guidance from Supervising Pharmacist and Operations Manager.·      Managing in-store Retail security and any theft reporting, shrinkage reporting, and searches as required.·      Working at establishing strong relationships with other community groups, corporates, and local retailers.·      Working with the Management Team to ensure cleanliness of the store and implementation of cleaning schedules with the team including non-customer areas, in line with company standards.·      Ensuring high standards of personal presentation are adhered to, in line with company policies. Skills and Experience:·      Outstanding Customer Service experience and interpersonal skills.·      Strong Interest in the Beauty Industry, particularly the skin care industry, and experience as a business manager .·      Proven ability to lead people.·      Understanding of business KPIs.·      Excellent team player.·      Excellent Administrative Skills.·      Professionalism / Discretion.·      Ability to build a cohesive team and manage growth and development in store.  If you are interested in the above and would like more information about the role, please feel free to apply online or contact the Meaghers Pharmacy Hiring Team at 086 0145543, we would be delighted to hear from you. 

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