Pharmacy Retail Assistant - Churchtown - Dundrum - Dublin 14

Retail Pharmacy Assistant, Churchtown Dundrum, Dublin 14 – Full Time Meaghers Pharmacy Group is an Irish owned business managed by Irish Tatler Businesswoman of the Year, Oonagh O'Hagan. Winners of Employer of the Year at the Retail Excellence Awards and recognised as one of Ireland's Top 30 Medium Great Places to Work, we know that a great place to work starts with our people. If you are looking for a company that inspires innovation, embraces diversity and offers an inclusive work environment, then we may have the role for you.  Building trusted relationships with our customers and colleagues is at the heart of who we are at Meaghers Pharmacy. If you would like to be part of a team that works every day to provide expert advice to support the health and wellbeing of our community, we would be delighted to receive your application for a Retail Pharmacy Assistant role in our Churchtown store. The new Retail Pharmacy Assistant will join a consistent team of experienced Pharmacy Assistants, Pharmacy Technicians, Pharmacists, Superintendent Pharmacists and other Support Staff. They will enjoy the opportunity to work within a positive, supportive environment with excellent personal development opportunities. Desirable Requirements: ·      Minimum 6 months experience working in a busy community pharmacy in Ireland, with experience selling OTC products.·      A highly motivated self-starter.·      Excellent command of English, great communication and interpersonal skills.·      A friendly and approachable nature. ·      Customer focused with the ability to deal with the public, in a friendly professional and confidential manner.·      Knowledge of the pharmacy sector and a pro-active approach to self-development.·      Experience with Stock Control, managing live stock levels.·      Experience with selling Skin care brands and Vitamins.  In return we can offer you:Rate of pay €12-15 per hour based on experience, plus benefitsImmediate startGenerous Staff DiscountFull Time Role (Monday to Sunday, 40 Hours per week)Access to our own Health & Wellbeing expertBike to Work scheme availableSupportive, dynamic teamsContinual learning and development opportunitiesConsistent Pharmacist presence instoreInspirational leadership and passion for excellencePositive company culture which promotes staff and customer wellbeing.If you are interested in the above and would like more information about the role, please feel free to apply online or contact the Meaghers Pharmacy Hiring Team at 086 192 0856, we would be delighted to hear from you.

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