Pharmacy Counter Assistant

Summary of Responsibilities:PharmacyStore is an Irish-owned community pharmacy group with 5 stores, over 60 employees and strong ambitions to continue to grow. We are situated in the local communities we serve and understand the importance of what we deliver to our customers and their families. The role is based in one of Limerick city stores. Pharmacy Counter Assistant at PharmacyStore is a key member of the team providing excellent customer care and support to PharmacyStore customers. Roles & responsibilities included in the role are outlined but not limited to below. Customer Service:·      Deal with customer queries and requests in relation to the sale of over-the-counter medicines, front of shop items and prescriptions in a polite and courteous manner.·      Assists the Duty Manager(s) in providing a confidential, friendly, efficient, and professional healthcare service to the local community.·      Assist with over-the-counter sales and other front of counter duties·      Give input and assist customers with non-medical products sold within the store e.g., cosmetics, health products etc.·      Accurately handle monetary transactions.·      Understand the impact of good customer service on the overall business. Operational Efficiency:Understand any required Operating Procedures within the Pharmacy and align to the procedural requirements where applicable to the role.·      Maintain the standards and cleanliness within the store as directed by the Duty Manager(s).·      Orders, receive and manage stock, check of deliveries against invoices, report any discrepancies and ensure all invoices are ticked and signed.·      Check and complete price changes daily.·      Complete daily sheets and sign off once completed. Organisation & Training:Build a strong working relationship with all team members in the pharmacy to ensure a seamless and consistent delivery of service to our customers.·       Participate actively in any training and development programmes Actively support their own development by building capability in required areas.·       Understand who are the key stakeholders and communicate effectively at all levels. Ensure communications are clear, understandable, and frequent. ·       Take ownership for specific initiatives as assigned.·       Integrate as part of the team and is a true team player providing support where and as needed.·       Can provide Pharmacy Counter Assistant cover in any of the PharmacyStore locations supporting where and when required. Business Acumen:·      Understand the concept of link selling and actively contributes to increased OTC sales.·      Understand the pharmacy business and how the Pharmacy Counter Assistant role fits into and plays a part in PharmacyStore Group.·      Deliver to the required PharmacyStore Group and Store Strategy to enable the business to grow and flourish. ·      Understand the financial impact of decisions taken and strive to drive operational efficiency across all areas of the business.Experience:·      Pharmacy: 1 year (preferred)·      Customer service: 1 year (required)

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