Pharmacy Assistant - Shankill

Pharmacy Sales Assistant - McCartans Pharmacy, Shankill***Full-Time***About Us:McCartan's Pharmacy is a wholly Irish, family-owned company, established in 2000. We aim to provide the best quality pharmaceutical care to our clients. As a Pharmacy Sales Assistant you will be responsible for taking care of the OTC counter and shop floor sales and be the main point of contact for our valued customers. This job will suit applicants with:A friendly natureA positive attitude towards workA hard-working natureExcellent communications and interpersonal skillsPrevious pharmacy experience and pharmacy trainingExcellent team player skillsPro-active ability to multi-task & work off own initiativeExcellent communication skillsGreat customer service This role will include weekend work. The successful applicants will be fitting into a happy working environment and will be needed to fit into what is already a strong pharmacy team.Skills Required: PunctualityPositive AttitudeOTC Training

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