Pet Care Advisors/Sales Associates

Petmania are currently recruiting for a number of part-time Sales Associates for our soon to be opened Clonmel store. The ideal candidates will be passionate about retail and sales and be willing and eager to make their mark in the store. In addition to this it is an advantage if you are currently studying or recently qualified in Animal Care to QQI level 5 or 6.We currently have a range of contracts available from 8hr to 32hrs-please note you must be available mid week as well as weekendsThe main tasks you will be responsible for are;Sales, sales, sales-we are retailers after all!Using the product knowledge we will give you to help customers make the right choices for their petsProviding excellent customer care to our valued customers, both in the store and grooming studiosGeneral retail duties-merchandising, store housekeeping, price and gap checks etcIn addition to your basic pay we offer you;Quarterly bonuses based on the success of the store,Great training opportunities through our myPetmania portal,Paid maternity and paternity leave,Access to Cycle to Work scheme andLaya Employee Assistance Scheme,Access to HSF Health coverAnd if you are interested and show an aptitude for it, the opportunity to up skill to become a Dog Groomer. 

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