Pesquisador de Controle de Qualidade II - Quality Control Researcher II

About Us   We are a team of passionate individuals, developing ground-breaking biological technologies designed to sustainably, and safely, control insects that transmit diseases and destroy crops. We do this work to improve lives and livelihoods around the world in the face of the growing threats that insects pose to human health and the global food supply.     Whilst what we do relates to developing insect control technologies, Oxitec is about people and is in service to people.      We are strongly committed to a set of values, principles, and behaviours, which foster a culture of trust, respect, creativity, and accountability - and seek talented people who are deeply committed to our mission, values, and principles, and thrive in start-up like environments.  Learn more here about our mission, values, and principles.  Click here to read our CEO’s blog about trust and our corporate culture.   Purpose of the Job  Oxitec is seeking a highly motivated and dedicated Quality Control Researcher passionate about biologicals to join our team in Brazil. This is an exciting position that will place the candidate to support all activities of quality control of an innovative insect technology.   We are seeking a passionate candidate who will be directly involved with the quality control analysis in our company, supporting the development of new quality methodologies, laboratory routines, data support, production incoming goods analysis, and working closely to quality assurance area to elaborate and/or review quality documentation.   This position will work with other staff members to make sure procedures and products adhere to established quality standards. Experience with molecular biology techniques and laboratory routine is essential, experience with handling insect samples is preferred, but even important is the willingness to learn and the dream of changing the world for the better.  Responsibilities  Implementation and validation of methodologies and procedures for quality control assays of the company products. Conduct studies to improve methodologies, with data entry and preliminary analysis. Responsible for QC molecular biology laboratory resource planning and equipment management. Perform routine molecular biology analyses, including preparation of DNA, RNA and protein samples, PCR/qPCR analysis of nucleic acid samples, data entry and preliminary analysis. Produce well written, compliant, and traceable laboratory notebooks and raw data files. Support on reports and presentations elaboration for internal communication. Write and review SOPs, non-conformances, change controls, technical reports, and general quality documentation. Co-ordinate work with other functions / departments to achieve companies’ objectives. Support on laboratory housekeeping, such as organization and general maintenance of the work environment. Comply with the company´s quality program procedures and policies, as well as Health & Safety standards. Time flexibility - for weekends and holidays occasionally when necessary.   Skills, Experience, and Education Requirements  Master’s degree in Molecular Biology, or related areas. Proficiency in molecular biology techniques, including manipulation and analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins. Good experience of working in a molecular biology or similar laboratory. Well-developed organisational skills. Good communication and analytical skills. Good writing and data recording abilities. Have a good attention for detail, excellent timekeeping standards and responsiveness. Good Microsoft Office skills. Advanced/Fluent English. Experience in the biotech and life sciences industry is an advantage.  Behavioural Requirements Commitment to and passion for the Oxitec mission and values. Positive, humble, co-operative and professional always. Must be diligent, solving things promptly. Resilient and persistent in an innovative and constantly changing environment. Work in collaboration with other cultures and different ways of thinking.  Responsive to the needs of an international business working across different time zones, adapting working patterns in-line with business requirements.  

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