Personal Assistant to CEO

Role: Assisting the CEO and senior management with general office tasks, managing diaries, responding to emails and liaising with various stakeholders on behalf of the business with the ability to assess priorities and resolve potential conflictsMaintenance of private and confidential information at all timesResponsible for organising of internal and external meetings on behalf of the CEO, ensuring all necessary requirements are made e.g. meeting venue, equipment, presentations, prepare agendasProvide support with various projects, producing letters, reports and taking minutesCommunicate meeting reminders and board reports with relevant Board and Management membersCollating and filing expenses and preparing expense reportsDocument management and preparation, formatting and distribution of presentations & other documentsOrganising Travel - National & International trips, including flights, accommodation, trains, visas, etc. Hospitality Tickets & Events meetings, sending out invites, arranging conference facilities and any suitable business lunchesActing as a first point of contact, screening calls and taking messages as appropriate for the CEO and potentially Directors.Execute all other miscellaneous secretarial duties for CEO and the Board of Directors as required.Cover Reception as needed.Requirements: A third level qualification in Office/Business Administration or equivalent2-4 years’ experience in a PA role supporting at Senior Management/Director levelA high level of competency with MS Word, Excel and PowerPointExperience building relationships with different stakeholdersHave legal working rights in IrelandWorked on Global time zonesA recognised secretarial qualification is preferred.Excellent attention to detail and organisational skillsExcellent Communication and Interpersonal skillsDemonstrated Trust and Confidentiality skillsExperience: Personal Assistant: 2 years (Preferred)

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