Person in Charge - Navan, Co Meath

Prosper are seeking a dynamic, progressive and ambitious applicant for a Person in Charge (PIC) position that has arisen in our residential service provision in Prosper Meath.  The Person in Charge will be responsible for the overall management of the residential house, Boreen View, as well as carrying out the social care responsibilities as part of the remit of this PIC role.   This residential house is currently a single occupancy house and will involve lone working. The PIC will be expected to deliver high quality services in accordance with Prosper Mission and Vision Statements, Values and Operating Principles.  This role will involve shift work including sleepovers and the requirement to be on call. The PIC will report to the Area Manager, Prosper Meath. The role will be based in Navan and will be 39 hours per week.   Salary: circa €48,200 - €54,145 (Depending on experience). Roles and Responsibilities Resident Support / Person Centred Service Provision-To take on the role of key worker to the resident(s)-To manage and oversee the personal planning process for the resident(s)-To ensure the service provision meets the needs and wishes of the resident(s), identified through the personal planning process, as far as is practicable-To liaise with parents / carers / advocates and other stakeholders in relation to the service and supports the resident(s) receive-To promote and facilitate mainstream opportunities for residents including work, education, training and leisure in accordance with residents’ preferences HIQA Compliance-To undertake the role of PIC for one or more designated centres registered with HIQA, as may be assigned-To comprehensively understand and comply with the Health Act 2007 as amended and related regulations, nationally mandated standards and associated HIQA directives / guidance / regulatory notices-To undertake the specific responsibilities for which the PIC is accountable in the Health Act 2007 as amended and related regulations, nationally mandated standards and associated HIQA directives / regulatory notices-To bring any concerns in relation to HIQA compliance to the attention of the Area Manager / Senior Management-To support staff in their understanding of HIQA compliance requirements and the execution of their duties in this regard-To liaise with HIQA and respond to requests for information in a timely, transparent and professional manner-To complete and submit all required HIQA documentation and notifications, accurately and in a timely manner Managing Operations & People Management -To plan, direct, co-ordinate and supervise the delivery of a high-quality service based on the principles of person-centeredness, access, accountability and quality-To participate in service evaluation and review in order to acknowledge achievements and identify actions for quality improvement-To lead, challenge, develop, mentor and supervise the team in line with Company ethos, relevant legislation / regulations, policies, procedures and best practice.-To manage staff rosters in a fair and equitable manner. Safety & Welfare-To ensure Health & Safety policies, procedures, practices and legislation are adhered to at all times.-To complete and oversee that all safety inspections are completed and documented and that shortcomings identified are acted upon promptly.-To ensure risk assessments are completed where necessary and appropriate reduction measures and actions implemented.-To ensure accidents and incidents are responded to, in accordance with the Prosper Accident / Incident Policy.-To respond to allegations or suspicions of abuse, neglect, mistreatment or exploitation of residents in accordance with the Prosper Safeguarding Policy.-To respond to behaviours of concern in accordance with the Prosper Positive Behaviour Support policy. Administration and Finance -To ensure all files and records are maintained in accordance with the Prosper Records Management Policy.-To ensure all records, reports, checklists, and any other administration requirements are completed accurately and on time. Essential Criteria-Level 7 / 8 Degree in social care, nursing or other relevant discipline that is recognised by the Social Care Worker Registration Board, CORU.-Relevant management qualification or working towards same.-Must be eligible for registration on the Social Care Workers registration board with CORU and must obtain such registration by November 2025 and maintain such registration for the duration of employment in this role.-Ideally a minimum 3 years supervisory / managerial experience within a similar health or social care setting.-Full Clean Driver’s license.-Strong leadership skills.-Excellent organisational skills.-Excellent verbal and written communication skills. -Highly proficient IT skills.  If you believe you have the necessary qualifications, experience and ambition for this role, we would love to hear from you.   

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