Pelvic Health Physiotherapist - Womens Health Clinic

Job Title: Pelvic Health PhysiotherapistDepartment: Womens Health ClinicJob Type: PermanentHours: 35 per week (Full-Time)Blackrock Clinic is the leading and longest established private hospital and clinic in Ireland. Since it opened in the mid-1980s, the clinic has consistently built an unparalleled reputation in new high-tech surgical procedures, medical treatments, and ground-breaking diagnostics. As a JCI accredited hospital, Blackrock Clinic is a progressive and pioneering hospital in which care for the patient is central to everything we do. Blackrock Clinic is now part of Blackrock Health private hospital group along with the Hermitage Clinic, Galway Clinic, and Limerick Clinic, some of the most advanced hospitals in Irish private healthcare. Blackrock Health is Ireland’s leading provider of private healthcare. A key pillar of our strategic plan is a commitment to further build on its excellence in healthcare for women at every stage of life.  Our planned new state-of-the-art Women’s Health Centre will combine a comprehensive range of services under one roof, in a prominent Dublin City Centre location. From expert consultations, diagnostic testing to specialized treatments, we will support women through their healthcare journey.In the position of Pelvic Health Physiotherapist while carrying a clinical case load, the role will be responsible for patient assessment along with development and implementation of best practice treatment plans. Other aspects of the role are (but not limited to):·      Demonstrate a high level of clinical expertise in the area of pelvic health·      Undertake the assessment and appropriate management of patients with continence and other pelvic related conditions·      Lead in setting clinical standards using evidence-based practice·      Provide advice and support to Physiotherapy and multi-disciplinary colleagues on clinical practice issues·      Advise on and discuss the management of patients with continence and other related conditions, when consulted by other Physiotherapists·      Progress service in collaboration with the pelvic health physiotherapy team through clinical audit and service development.                                                                   Successful candidates must:·      Be CORU registered ·      Hold a recognised post-grad qualification eg. MSc in Physiotherapy/Sports Medicine/MMAC·      Have membership in the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (MISCP)·      Possess a Continued Professional Development Diary including evidence of reflective practice, In-service training, courses attended, and Clinical Governance gained·      Post graduate courses relevant to the clinical specialtyThe above are all part of what makes up the full job description which can be requested.

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