Patient Services Executive

Patient Services Executive :Overall Purpose of Job:Our mission is to provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do.  The overall purpose of this role is to ensure that the admission and registration of patients is a seamless experience for the patient, the Hospital and the Consultant.Key Responsibilities and Deliverables:Provision of administrative support to the relevant department.Initiates and maintains billing details for patients and enters it onto the system.Essential Duties include:Patient interfacing - registration, patient signature, admission sheet filing, processing bill, issuing receipts, managing booking schedule.Receives visitors, answers general questions and directs individual to the appropriate person. May perform miscellaneous duties.Answering phones and follow up on queries.Chart tracking and chart assembly.Scheduling of procedures.Insurance validation. Understands the Insurance claim methods and types of cover relevant to Beacon. Liaison with referring physician, staff and patients.Performs routine filing in an office environment.Excellent keyboard skills with minimum of 50wpm.Have good knowledge of Microsoft Office and ECDL. Have basic knowledge of computers and Microsoft Windows software. Operates word processing equipment to compile, type, revise, combine, edit, print and store documents.Must be able to work under pressure and as part of a busy team.Work well with others. Have excellent verbal and written communication skills. Person Specification:Qualifications: Leaving Certificate or equivalentComputer literateExperience using IT systems, including MS Excel & WordExperience:At least 2 years of administrative experiencePrevious experience in a customer service roleHospital experience desirableJob Specific Competencies and Knowledge:Complies with processes and proceduresCares about their workExhibits high level of patient relation skillsExhibits ability to work as member of team in daily performance of dutiesHave a high capacity for responsibility and individual initiative, and an ability to write clear and concise EnglishHave excellent organisational skillsUnder the Hospital’s Health & Safety risk assessment, Beacon Hospital requires that all Employees, Consultants and Contractors that can receive a Covid 19 vaccination must do so in order to exercise their roles in a safe manner, and minimise the risk of endangering their own health, the health of patients, or the health of those that they work with.“Beacon Hospital is an equal opportunity employer; we ensure that our practices support a diverse and inclusive environment for all present and future employees"

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