Patient Services Executive

Job Description  Job Title: Patient Services ExecutiveDepartment: Oncology Day UnitReports to Patient Services: Team LeadDate: 2024This is a Fixed Term Contract positionOverall Purpose of Job Our mission is to provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do.  The overall purpose of this role is to ensure a seamless experience for the patients attending the centre. It is essential that the person maintains a professional and friendly demeanour at all times in this fast-paced and dynamic environment. Key Responsibilities and Deliverables Provision of administrative support to the clinical team.Registration of patients and management of clinic flow.Scheduling of patient appointments.Answering phones and following up on queries.Essential Duties include Patient interfacing - registration, patient signature, admission sheet filing, processing bill, issuing receipts, managing schedule.Receives visitors, answers general questions and directs individual to the appropriate person. May perform miscellaneous duties.Responsible for answering phone line for the department and handling patient queries in an empathetic and timely manner.Chart tracking and chart assembly.Scheduling of appointments.Insurance validation. Understands the Insurance claim methods and types of cover relevant to Beacon. Liaison with referring physician, staff and patients.Performs routine filing in an office environment.Have good knowledge of Microsoft Office and ECDL. Have basic knowledge of computers and Microsoft Windows software. Operates word processing equipment to compile, type, revise, combine, edit, print and store documents.Maintaining an effective interdisciplinary communication process as well as participating in hospital wide communication processes.Ensure that timely communication takes place within a pressured environment.Must be able to work under pressure and as part of a busy team.Be flexible, reliable, detail orientated. Work well with others. Have excellent verbal communication skills. Demonstrate willingness to assist co-workers whenever needed.Confidentiality You will be aware of the confidential nature of Hospital work and in particular, the right of patients to confidentiality. To this end you will not discuss workings of the Hospital or its patients with people outside the Hospital, save as required to do so in the course of your work.  The extent and speed of change in the delivery of health care is such that adaptability is essential in this position. The incumbent will be required to maintain and enhance their professional knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to respond to a changing situation.    Person Specification Qualifications Leaving Certificate or equivalent.Computer literate.Experience using IT systems, including MS Excel & Word.Experience At least 2 years of administrative experience.Previous experience in a customer service role.Hospital experience desirableJob Specific Competencies and Knowledge Complies with processes and procedures.Highly diligent and attention to detail.Exhibits high level of patient relation skills.Exhibits ability to work as member of team in daily performance of duties.Exhibits high capacity for responsibility and individual initiative.Ability to write in clear and concise English.Ability to prioritise workload as needed.Exhibits excellent time management and organisational skills.Personal Competencies All posts in Beacon Hospital require a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service. Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their manager or hospital management.This job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility and deliverables at the time of its writing. As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in light of the changing needs of the Hospital.  

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