Patient Accounting Site Lead Blackrock Clinic

Programme:   Blackrock Health Group EHR Implementation ProgrammeLocation:         Open to Blackrock Health Group locations / Hybrid working modelTerm:               Full time (temporary fixed term contract position/secondment for the duration of the project)The Blackrock Health Group is embarking on a large-scale EHR (Electronic Health Record) programme to implement Meditech’s advanced EHR system across all institutions in the group. The Group is looking to hire a Patient accounting site Lead to manage the Patient Accounting aspects for Blackrock Clinic in this Implementation. This is a hybrid work position and will involve travel to Blackrock Health Group hospitals, as necessary. Responsibilities include:·      Participation in all relevant Expanse patient accounting duties including but not limited to: o  Clarifying the scope and for the relevant finance applications across all Blackrock Clinic.o  Development of current workflows as required in line with scoping. o  Participate and organise Standardisation workshops with all relevant users in Blackrock Clinic. o  Ensure all workflows related to Patient Accounting are aligned with program objectives. o  Participation in Blackrock Health standardisation forums. o  Building relationships with key stakeholders in the Blackrock Health Group where appropriate.o  Communications of all related topics to patient accounting Team lead as required. o  Planning and execution of documentation where required.o  Risk identification, management and escalation of this documentation where required.o  Assist in the identification of core personnel outside of core teams that are relevant to the finance accounting applications. o  Project planning in conjunction with the Financial Account Team Lead.o  Manage and oversee builds, testing and rollout of the new Meditech to all institutions in the Blackrock Health group.o  Oversee the development of training materials for end-user training.o  Participate in all necessary programme and cross-functional workstreams as needed.o  Liaise with third party vendors related to the relevant finance applications where required. o  Liaise with the BI (business intelligence)/Data team for the provision of critical finance reports required for initial implementation across the Blackrock Health group.o  Assist in processes to complete parrel runs and cut over actions.o  Contribute to the downtime solution to ensure procedures are in place for both planned and unplanned downtimes.o  Oversee the development of training materials for end-user training. o  Complete End-user training sessions as required.o  Assist in Transition planning and implementation.Note: responsibilities on the programme may change depending on the needs of the programme at any stage.Required experiences and skillsets:The ideal candidate will have a strong background working within a finance operations/ finance support team in a private hospital environment. They would have an understanding how upstream patient processes effect billing processes including the relevant processes that will affect the final bill and submission of the claims. Candidates must also have a good understanding of the cross-functional workflows involved with this module and how they will react to deliver this project.Required·      Prior experience as a finance team leader or equivalent position on an EHR programme or in working in a finance department. ·      Experience working with billing systems and insurer contracts is desirable. ·      Experience working on patient accounting systems and patient information systems. ·      Experience working with multi-disciplinary teams.·      Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines.·      Ability to forge strong working relationships with key programme stakeholders.·      Highly organised with strong time management·      Effective communication skills·      Experience of Gl/AP systems desirable Qualifications·      3 years’ experience working with or in a private hospital finance department is desirable. ·      Third level qualification in Finance related subject or relevant field (desirable)

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