Senior Parts Manager

We have recently announced our plans to develop a new dealership for Toyota and Lexus in Naas, Co. Kildare. We have ambitious plans for further growth and are now looking to recruit a Senior Parts Manager to join our Management Team.To succeed in the role the candidate should demonstrate an ability to provide support in the management of the team and have a flair for customer service, organisation skills and collaborative working.In addition, the candidate must willing to learn the Toyota Way which is at the heart of all Toyota Naas’s day to day procedures. The Toyota Principles are.1.   Customer First.2.   Respect for all people.3.   Continuous improvement using Kaizen and Lean 6 Sigma methodologies. Toyota Naas is on a path to be one of Toyota Ireland’s best dealerships and our managers make a vital contribution in that regard.  Required experienceMinimum of 2 years previous experience as Parts Manager in a busy dealership looking to step into a vibrant & busy franchise dealership environment.Demonstrable ability to achieve targeted volume.Experience of supporting the parts manager in actively managing budgets and department profitability.A high level of innovation and problem solving.Must be able to work on own initiativeStrong communication skills – with customers and with internal stake holdersFull clean Irish Driver’s licenceFranchise experience is desirableCompetency in using Microsoft applications and other computer based industry relevant platforms Responsibilities will includeEnsuring the efficient running of a busy parts departmentManage and maintain responsible inventory levelsLiaise with in-house stakeholders in conceiving and implementing seasonal genuine parts & accessory promotions and use of same.Work with suppliers to introduce and manage prompt and regular deliveries.Monitor backorders and provide updates to staff and customers as necessaryPromote positive customer service practicesThis is not an exhaustive list and the duties and responsibilities in a managerial capacity may vary based on business needs. The Parts Manager must always practice strict legal compliance and ethical behaviour in line with the dealership’s best practice guidelines.*** At this time we do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies***

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