Parts Advisor

Parts AdvisorDue to constant expansion, Auto Boland are recruiting for a Parts Advisor to join one of our premium dealerships!We are looking for an enthusiastic and hard-working individual to join our After Sales team where you will be responsible for dealing with the parts requirements of trade and retail customers via the phone and in the dealership.Who are Auto Boland?Auto Boland is comprised of companies owned and managed by the Boland Family, who have been operating in Ireland since 1922. The Boland name is associated with 25 retail locations in Ireland including Carlow, Cork, Dublin, Kilkenny, Limerick, Wexford, and Waterford. The group employs over 1000 people across all sectors of the motor industry. In addition to motor retail the group also operates a rental car company Hertz Car Rental, Hertz Car sales, Travel logistics company – NVD, and Trade sales, a B2B used car stock company.What do I need to suceed?Genuine interest in cars and the motor industry.Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment.Ability to work well in a team environment.Drive to develop your skills and knowledge.Excellent organisational skills.What will I get in return?Competitive salary.Attractive bonus scheme.Full training from our dedicated team.Excellent progression opportunities.20 days Annual Leave.Free on-site parking.This is your opportunity to join our growing team at an exciting time. Apply with your CV today.

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