Parts Advisor - Peugeot

Parts Advisor – Peugeot Waterford Here in T&C Motors, we are looking for an enthusiastic hard-working individual to join our after sales team as parts assistant.One of the largest official Peugeot Dealers in Ireland based in Waterford serving the Munster region. We have been a reputable dealer of new and used Peugeot cars with over 40 years in business.We strive to deliver an exceptional customer experience; our employees are highly trained, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and driven to deliver our fundamental commitment to our customers; of getting it right first time and making each and every interaction special. At T&C Motors we understand that exceptional customer service can only be consistently delivered by attracting, motivating, training and retaining the very best team members.We are offering you an opportunity to work with an Evolving & Growing brand.You will get to interact with one of the worlds Leading car manufacturers.we provide endless opportunities and Career progression to ambitious individuals. The Position: Booking in, Checking & Locating all parts delivered daily.Pre-picking parts in advance for all future workshop bookings.Monitoring & pricing all parts required for vehicle health checks & service cams carried out.Efficiently providing the technicians with any additional parts required throughout the day.Ensure the parts department is always clean and clear of non-located parts.Reporting to & assisting the parts manager with all additional tasks required.This position comes with the following Benefits: Work with a premium brand.Excellent Work life Balance working hours.20 days annual leave + Bank HolidaysPeugeot Branded TrainingAttractive package with bonus schemeAnnual Performance ReviewsEndless opportunities to progressPositive working Culture The Candidate:Genuine interest in cars and the motor industryPrevious Motor industry experience would be an advantage Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environmentTeam player with a customer first focusDrive to develop your skills and knowledge.Excellent organizational skillsReliable & Punctual Please apply with your CV and Cover Letter today! 

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