Part Time Social Care Worker - Howth

Prosper Group has been a leader in providing high-quality, person-centred, community-based services to adults with intellectual disabilities and autism for over 40 years. We support over 500 people across North County Dublin and County Meath. Join our wonderful team and provide support to adults with intellectual disabilities in North Dublin, helping them to reaching their full potential and connect with their communities. Position: Social Care WorkerLocation: Day Service, Howth, Co. DublinHours: 20 hours per weekContract: PermanentSalary Scale: €17,246 to €24,853 per annum (pro-rata) Prosper Fingal is looking for a qualified Social Care Worker to join our highly skilled and responsive staff team in order to provide the people we support with a high quality, person-centred service. This individual will have a strong person-centred vision and will play a key role in facilitating and supporting individuals in our Day Services while upholding our core values of providing respectful, progressive, professional, and positive services. In order to apply for this position, successful applicants must have a degree level qualification in Social Care or related discipline. Prior experience of working in disability services and knowledge of New Directions Services & Supports for adults with disabilities would be advantageous. What we offer:Generous Annual LeaveSick Pay SchemePension/Life CoverEmployee Assistance ProgrammeMaternity Leave AllowanceTraining / CPDCycle to WorkCareer Progression OpportunitiesSuperb facilitiesWork – Life Balance  We want to hear from you if you have a relevant qualification as well as a full, clean manual driving licence and are willing to work in an environment that upholds the highest of standards. Prosper Fingal is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 

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