Part time Security Officer

Join the Provincial family to build your story with ours.We are seeking to recruit a Part-time Security Officer to join our team in Leixlip.Are you vigilant, responsive, dedicated?Are you customer driven? Proactive and want to exceed expectations?Do you enjoy working in a diverse team?Great at building relationships and excel at communicating with others?This role is for Security Officer for a corporate site in Leixlip working in a small team. The hours are 6am to 10am Monday to Friday. If this role is of interest we would like to talk to you. Apply below with an up-to-date CV.Duties:To report directly to the Employer Management.To ensure the safety and security of all site personnel and their property.To ensure the protection of all client property, premises and equipment.To ensure the prevention of loss caused to the client through whatever cause.To monitor and control access to the facility.To respond as directed to all client requests and alarms, especially in the event of an emergency.To immediately report all security, health and safety threats To ensure a detailed knowledge and understanding of all Summary Post Orders and Site Operating Procedures.Qualifications:Verifiable Work HistoryBasic Guarding Skills FETAC Level 4 CertificateHolder of Valid Private Security Authority Static LicenceStrong Communication Skills to enable communication with a wide range of people and in various situationsPossess Excellent Interpersonal SkillsUnderstanding of the Security IndustryWillingness to follow instructions and proceduresGood computer skills and an ability to adapt to new technologies as they arise.Joining Provincial Security, you will enjoy the following benefits:Industry Leading Wage PackageComprehensive Sick Pay SchemeReal Opportunities for AdvancementMaternity top up payment and flexible working hoursExcellent Working Environment as accredited by Excellence Through People & Great Places to Work 2018Training opportunities

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