Part Time Pharmacy Technician (Maternity Contract)

Mulligans Pharmacy is a family-run business, established in 1957, which operates in the retail pharmacy sector, and occupies 20 sites across the south east of Ireland. This has been delivered through organic growth and acquisitions.We are currently recruiting for a Part Time Pharmacy Technician to fill a maternity leave contract in our Western rd. store in Clonmel CO. Tipperary. This role is suitable for anyone with a minimum of 2 years experience of working in dispensary within Ireland. This role is suitable for a pharmacy technician looking to work 2-3 days per week.  DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:•Responsible for preparing prescriptions•Providing a high standard in customer service•Ensuring company stock control policies are in practice•Assist with OTC and general retail •Completion and submission of all necessary paperwork SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED:  •Pharmacy Technician qualification is highly desirable but not essential•Have a strong customer focus•Excellent communication and interpersonal skills•Self motivated and interested in improving the business•Be professional in their conduct and appearance••Strong organisational skills•Works well as part of a team 

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