Part-Time OTC Sales Assistant - Newlands

McCauley Pharmacy, the unique and highly successful "One Stop Health and Beauty Shop", are the leading Irish owned pharmacy chain with 35 branches nationwide and over 500 colleagues. We are currently looking for an OTC Sales Assistant to work in our Newlands branch. This is a part time, 24-32 hours per week, permanent contract.As an OTC Sales Assistant you will be responsible for taking care of the OTC counter and shop floor sales and be the main point of contact for our valued customers. The ideal candidate would be capable of presenting and selling the full range of store products (OTC, supplements, skincare, etc.). Key Responsibilities:Deliver the highest standard of customer service and adhere to company policies and ethos at all times.Demonstrate excellent product knowledge in store products in relation to maximising the sale.Ensure that the pharmacy is properly merchandised and kept clean and tidy and that stock levels are maintained correctly.Cash handling and stock rotation.Professionally and discretely handle any customer concerns in an appropriate and sympathetic manner, endeavouring to find a satisfactory solution.Ensure timely follow through on all customer complaints and, resolve at local level.  Escalate to a supervising pharmacist as and when appropriate.Ensure telephone queries are answered in a timely manner and answered satisfactorily.Develop strong working relationships with colleagues, management, reps and Support Office.Ensure discretion and confidentiality are maintained at all times. Role RequirementsPrevious OTC experience in a community pharmacy with excellent product knowledge a distinct advantage.Strong communication skills and the ability work alongside a variety of different personalities, as part of one overall team.Good prioritising, multi-tasking and organisational skills.Empathetic, with the ability to deal with confidential information, with discretion.Must have a strong work ethic. We can offer you:Competitive hourly ratesExcellent colleague discountAccess to bike to work schemeAccess to company pensionSpecial occasion bonuses and gratuitiesGenerous company social fund Please note only successful candidates will be contacted.

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