Part Time Laundry / House Keeping Assistant - Beech Park Nursing Home

Beechfield Care Group are currently seeking to recruit Housekeeping/Laundry Assistant to assume responsibility for the care of residents at Beech Park Nursing Home, Kildare R51 PC58. This is a part time 20 hours weekly position. Due to the urgency of this role we currently only accept applicants who are already in the country. Work Permit or VISA sponsorship is not applicable for this position. We are a long-established Nursing Home Group based Dublin, Carlow, Meath, Westmeath & Kildare. Our mission is to provide the best standard of quality care to our residents. Our philosophy places the care of the resident at the heart of the nursing home. About Beechfield ParkAt Beech Park, located nestled in the Kildare countryside just minutes from Kildare Town, every resident is unique, and we respect and value everyone for who they are. This is our ethos, one which we live by in the beautiful surrounds of Beech Park. We take pride in our wonderful and passionate care team, and this is essential in achieving and maintaining the high standard that we set for ourselves.  About the Role:The Housekeeper/general operative will be responsible for overseeing housekeeping cleaning operations at our nursing home. The working hours will be varied according to the home needs and will require occasional weekend work.. 16 hours available a week. Role Responsibilities:Ø This role requires the holder to work across the nursing home as av Housekeeping Assistantv Catering Assistantv Laundry AssistantØ The role requires the holder to be continuously vigilant towards the dignity, comfort, and safety of residents in the nursing home.Ø You are also required to continuously adhere to all hygiene, health and safety regulations. Ø Assist in the preparation of meals and beverages for residents and staff to the required company standards of hygiene.Ø Preparation of resident trays and dining areas ensuring that the necessary equipment, utensils, and food is available in the required quantities and at the required time.Ø Clear and clean kitchen, dining areas and catering utensils using appropriate cleaning techniques and equipment as directed by the Head Chef / Director of Nursing.Ø Any other duties as required.Ø You are also required to continuously adhere to all hygiene, health and safety regulations.  Role Requirements:Ø Excellent people skills with the ability to lead and motivate a diverse team.Ø Ability to identify areas for improvement and implement changes.Ø Strong organisation and planning skills to ensure that staffing is adequate across the home & supplies are kept in order and replaced on units as required.Ø Team layer and able to work with management and staff.Ø Visible and credible leader who can lead by example. Great benefits on offer:Ø Free Meals on siteØ Paid trainingØ Free parkingØ Flexible working hoursØ Education & DevelopmentØ Summer & Christmas PartiesØ Access to Pension SchemeØ Employee Assistance ProgrammeØ Long service, Employee recognition and appreciation awards

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