Part Time Cleaner - AVS Basingstoke

AVSAVS is part of the Lawsons Group, which is the UK’s largest independent fencing, timber and builders’ merchants and now boasts 36 branches, 700 employees and £200 million turnover, founded in 1921 and operates across London and the South East of England.The RoleTo perform a range of cleaning tasks and duties and keep the business clean and tidy. Perform routine inspections of all communal areas including office, shop area, kitchen, restrooms and toilets. Use appropriate cleaning chemicals and equipment to ensure the cleaning is carried out to the highest standard. Branch Postcode - RG25 2PHShift PatternThis position is part time and is to cover cleaning in AVS Basingstoke.Around 10.5 hours per week are required, ideally 3-3.5 hours across a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.(The hours can be flexible, but MUST be during Branch opening hours which are 07.00 - 16.00)Key Accountabilities·Sweep, vacuum and mop all hard floors·Empty, clean and re-line wastepaper bins·Clean doors, light switches, kickplates, hand plates and vision panels·Wipe table and chairs·Clean and dry kitchen sink, splash backs, work tops, cupboard doors, cupboard drawer fronts, fridge, and microwave·Wipe ledges, windowsills, radiators, and fire extinguishers·Clean all handrails·Sanitise telephones and computers·Clean office furniture·Clean and sanitise toilets and handbasins·Clean mirrors and tiles·Clean and refill consumable dispensers and notify management when cleaning materials are consumables are running lowWe would love to meet someone with -·Good interpersonal skills and communication skills·Proactive with the ability to work independently with minimum supervision·Knowledge of Health & Safety standards·Ability to handle cleaning equipment and chemicals safely·Good time management and ability to prioritise workloadWhat is in it for you…·     £11.44 per hour·       23 Days Holiday + Bank Holidays (pro rata for Part time)·       Pension Scheme·       Death In Service Scheme·       Employee Assisted Programme

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