Painter/Panel Beater

Barna Recycling, Connacht’s leading waste management provider, are currently seeking a painter/panel beater to work in our workshop at our Carrowbrowne Facility just outside Galway City.  Duties & Responsibilities:·        Analyzing damage to vehicles to understand the extent of repair and restoration required. ·        Communicating with transport/garage managers on timelines for repairs/restorations.·        Repairs of damaged vehicles.·        Restoration of old vehicles/vehicle bodies/vehicle body parts.·        Dismantling and assembling various vehicle parts. ·        Carrying restoration, refinishing and repainting work. ·        Operating spray booth.·        Maintaining a clean work environment and follow health & safety procedures.·        Complete job reports using tablets. Skills:·        Knowledge of HGV/car mechanics.·        Bodywork and frame repair skills.·        Vehicle painting and spraying skills. ·        Attention to detail. ·        Ability to use hand and power tools associated with the job.·        Ability to carry out minor welding repairs.·        Ability to work on your own and within a team.·        Knowledge of heavy goods vehicles an advantage but not essential. Qualifications:·        Minimum 2 years’ experience in a similar role within the automotive industry.  Remuneration: ·        Competitive rate depending on experience.

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