Paint Department Supervisor Homeland Letterkenny

Job Title: Paint Advisor/Supervisor Location: Homeland Letterkenny Opportunity: Full-timeAurivo Co-op is a large multi-purpose Co-operative engaged in a wide range of activities including dairy processing, liquid milk distribution, animal feed milling, retail stores, e-commerce, garden centres, livestock marketing and sports nutrition. In Aurivo our values define how we operate, employing over 650 people directly and providing employment for many others in wide range of activities includingtransport & distribution. Opportunity This is an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to take the next step in their career with Aurivo. The successful candidate will be responsible for the Paint Department maintaining outstanding store conditions and merchandising standards and will work closely with the Branch Manager & colleagues to maximise sales while providing an excellent in-store customer experience. Key Responsibilities • Plan and develop merchandising strategies for displays within the Paint Department • Prioritise duties and tasks to store staff • Create new seasonal displays within the Homeland store to maximise sales • Managing stock levels and making key decisions about stock control • Monitoring and analysing sales data to inform future growth potential and retail strategy • Awareness of market trends in retail understanding changing customer needs and monitoring competitor activity • Ensuring that standards for quality, customer service and health and safety are met The ideal candidate will have:• Previous experience in interior design/paint department/hardware/DIY• Strong customer service skills • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Evidence of good leadership capability • Ability to work proactively • Strong attention to detail • An ability to work on own initiative • Flexible and willing to learn Application Process The company reserves the right to select a shortlist from the applications received Please forward updated CV to Aurivo Careers

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