Packing Operative

As one of the UK’s largest food producers, ABP relies on the skills and experience of its people -that’s why we offer lifelong careers with secure and full-time hours as well as competitive rates of pay, backed by great training and the opportunity to grow and progress.We are looking to add to our fantastic team in Bridge of Allan, so if you feel you have what we are looking for please get in touch.We want the best people to work for us and we know that a supportive and friendly working environment plays a key role in attracting and retaining employees. We promote the sharing of knowledge and invest strongly in training and development.We are currently looking for Packers to join our Packing team at our site in Bridge of Allan as we go through some fantastic development on site. As a packer you will be involved in the packing of products for our leading customers in a fast paced production line. Working Hours are Monday to Friday 6am until Job Finish. Approx. 48 hours per week.KEY RESPONSIBILITIESPacking meat to customer specificationsWorking in a chilled environmentWHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOREssential: Positive and can-do attitude, Good time keeping, Ability to perform physical tasks including lifting, ability to use own initiative, excellent communication skills, keen and willing to learnDesirable: Previous experience in a similar role.Benefits to working here:Permanent, Full Time Contracts of Employment Employee Assistance Programme  Online Benefits Resource  21 days paid holiday per year plus 8 public holidays a year  Life Assurance  Refer a friend scheme Loyalty Reward Scheme Employee Engagement ForumEmployee Spotlight Awards Subsidised Canteen Free Car Parking Pension Scheme Cycle to Work Scheme  Ppe provided Training and Development Employee Recognition Awards Loyalty Rewards

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