Packaging Technologist

Part of ABP Food Group, C&D Foods is one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of pet food, offering specially formulated cat and dog food of superior quality and value. Over the past 60 years, we’ve grown to become a leader in the private label market.C&D Foods is recruiting for a diligent and motivated Packaging Technologist to join our team. This is a full-time position, reporting into the Group Packaging Technologist, based in our Mullingar office. This role provides expertise and guidance on all packaging topics within the business. You will be supporting the development of new packaging solutions from concept to launch, keeping up with the latest developments and following market trends to identify customer and consumer needs. This is an ideal role for someone starting out in the field of Packaging Technology – full training on our processes and systems will be provided by our resident subject matter expert, with huge opportunity to grow into the role and beyond with a career at C&D Foods.KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:·          Provide an effective and efficient packaging development service as part of the group R&D team.·          Drive packaging projects to ensure that all technical aspects are satisfied, at optimum cost, and within the agreed time frame.·          Complete and report on appropriate testing of components to ensure packaging is safe, legal, and fit for purpose.·          Ensure that all associated specifications, reports, and records are completed.·          Attend trials and first production runs in relation to NPD, EPD or VE projects and make sure each packaging spec is signed off.·          Identify and implement opportunities for improvements.·          Be the company expert on packaging related legislation and guidance.·          Support packaging suppliers’ approval process participating in risk assessments, AVLs creation (Approved Vendors Lists), and supplier audits.·          Help prepare and present innovative new packaging concepts and market analysis to both internal and external customers.·          Advise the quality team on how best to investigate packaging related complaints and non-conformances.·          Understanding the strategic direction of private label customers on packaging·          Continuously seek the identification of new technology supporting the company's growth.·          Generate innovative ideas that will take advantage of emerging opportunities.·          Communicate technical information, opportunities, and potential risks in business environment to facilitate effective decision making.KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES:·        Packaging launches delivered on time and in full.·        Ensuring all critical path deadlines are met.·        New packaging launches delivered to budget.PERSONAL COMPETENCIES AND QUALIFICATIONS:·          Degree in Packaging or related scientific field (Packaging Technology, Food Technology or similar).·          Previous experience in packaging, FMCG experience preferred.·          Sound knowledge and understanding of the technical aspects of packaging materials and machinery.·          Self-motivated individual with good initiative, attention to detail & excellent interpersonal skills. ·          Possess the ability to build effective working relationships with customers, suppliers, and internal teams.·          Excellent communication & negotiation skills. ·          A demonstrated numerical ability to record, interpret and analyse key process data.·          A high-level computer literacy and competency – Microsoft Office·          Readiness to travel to our other sites throughout Europe as and when required; we have locations in 9 different countries across Europe and the UK.

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