Packaging Development Apprentice

ABP Food Group is one of Europe’s leading integrated agri-food businesses, with divisions specialising in food production, pet food and renewables. Over our 70-year history, we have grown to 14,000 strong team and have built a reputation for quality and innovation. ABP UK, part of the ABP Food Group produces quality fresh and frozen beef, lamb and frozen meat-free products to some of the nations leading supermarkets and restaurants, including a number of Michelin Star establishments -Find out more below about an exciting opportunity for develop your career!Our Early Careers programme offers opportunities across all of our divisions including apprenticeships, graduate and industrial placement pathways.Role: Packaging Development ApprenticeLocation: ShrewsburySalary: £22,000 per yearHours of Work: 40 hours per weekReporting to: Packaging Development TeamWhy Apply?Learn While You Earn: Combine practical experience with classroom learning to achieve a Level 6 Packaging Development degree apprenticeship.Grow Your Career: Start with us as an apprentice, and who knows? You could become a future leader in packaging development.Award-Winning Support: Our Early Careers Academy has been recognised for its commitment to helping young people succeed.Endless Opportunities: With ABP, you can explore a variety of career paths—not just in packaging development but across food production, sustainability, and more.Friendly Team: You’ll be surrounded by mentors and teammates who will help you every step of the way.What You'll DoAs a Packaging Technologist Apprentice, you will embark on a 5-year programme where you’ll learn how to promote sustainable packaging while maintaining our environmental responsibilities. As a Packaging Technologist Apprentice, you will work to remove unnecessary packaging, reduce packaging use, and implement recyclable solutions. You will also help deliver packaging innovation for our customers and support compliance programmes across the UK and Europe. This role involves both office-based and field-based activities, and you'll be responsible for leading projects or playing a key role in larger programmes.Working in partnership with our chosen university training provider, your programme will be delivered over several block-learning sessions, giving you the opportunity to gain a wealth of industry knowledge. This is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the business for the future.Please note: This role requires travel to various sites and suppliers, potentially overseas. Access to your own transport is required.Who We're Looking ForYou don’t need experience—just the right attitude and the drive to learn!If you’re someone who:Loves working as part of a team and building positive relationships.Is curious, eager to learn, and ready to make a difference.Is organised and good at meeting deadlines. Has an eye for detail and likes to get things right. Feels comfortable speaking up and sharing ideas... then we'd love to hear from you!What You'll NeedA levels or Level 3 qualification.Minimum GCSE in English (Grade 4/C) and Maths (Grade 5/B) or above.Basic knowledge or interest in packaging and sustainability.Basic knowledge of red meat and/or lamb operations would be beneficial but not essential.Positive attitude and proactive approach.Future Career Path ProgressionThis apprenticeship offers a gateway to a rewarding career at ABP. Upon completion, you'll be equipped with extensive experience and qualifications, opening doors to various roles within the business. With over 18 sites across the UK and Northern Ireland, opportunities may arise for development and growth within the business.Apply today with your current CV and a covering letter, and join us on this journey to shape your future with ABP UK!

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