Packaging and Ingredients Buyer

About the CompanyABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe. We are a food business that specialises in the supply and development of award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale.Role DefinitionTo ensure the retail site is supplied in full by developing relationships with supplier and that stock is controlled in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. Paying special regard to:quality, cost control, yield and utilizationhealth, safety and ethicstraceabilityproduct safety, authenticity and integritylabeling andcompany, personal and food hygiene rules and legislationsKey ResponsibilitiesManage the stock of dry goods and packing materials to deliver site requirements, depending on customer demands, monitoring daily and weekly orders.develop relationships with outside suppliers to ensure strategic links are in place for salesmaximization of profitensure all retail requirements are metreconcile daily stocks of dry goods and make visible any overstocks and shortages - including ingredients. Preventing stock from becoming obsoletemanage the intake of dry goods from suppliers to meet customers requirements. Produce a daily delivery schedule of any incoming goods/packaging.develop delivery adherence reports to measure supplier performance and feedbackdevelop relationships with suppliers to ensure that strategic links are in place for purchasing dry goods/packagingmonitor daily forecasts, place orders, chase outstanding PO's and help resolve any daily issues.develop strong relationships with colleagues, internal departments and supplying sitesensure all reporting paperwork is completed promptlywork to your personal training planfunction coverage - provide interdepartmental cover for holidays and sickness, assisting any procurement functions that may be required.attendance at any meetings when requiredoperate to company best practicescarry out any additional duties that may be reasonably requested by your managerPerson SpecificationExperience in fast paces environmentresults driven attentive to detail with good strategic abilityexcellent communication skills at all levelsflexible, adaptable and keen to support others developmentgood numeracystrong team memberaccreditation food hygiene equivalent at minimum level 2speaking, writing and understanding excellent spoken and written English language (this is an essential health and safety, traceability, management and quality control requirement which will be tested as part of the recruitment process)

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