Pacifica Local - Field Service Engineer Franchise

Pacifica Local - Field Service Engineer FranchiseHave you ever considered working for yourself but were unsure where to start? We’ll provide all the help and support you’ll need to strike out on your own, be your own boss and be in charge of your own earning potential.Repairing White Goods Appliances is an in-demand, recession-proof, and highly rewarding trade and there has never been a better time to consider a vocation in the White Goods Repair Trade. Pacifica Local makes entry into the trade easy. We provide City & Guilds Assured training, a dedicated marketing platform, IT systems, industry know how and hands on support to help you grow your business. If you're already experienced in White Goods Repair and would like to take up this opportunity to join our Franchise team then we have tailor made options available.The Market for Appliance Repairs over & above that carried out by Manufacturers and Insurance Companies was Estimated to be £191m in 2022, this is estimated to grow to £209m by 2027. The recent introduction of Right to Repair Legislation is expected to have a compound increase on repair volumes over the next 5 years and Consumers are becoming more aware of climate change and the impact that replacing products has on the environment, as a result fuelling the repair market.About UsPacifica are the UK’s largest provider of outsourced repair services for Domestic Appliances. We repair over 350,000 appliances each year, preventing appliances hitting landfill and creating a sustainable future. The OpportunityWorking for yourself but not by yourself, you will deliver world class services to your local area following the prescribed Pacifica Local system, services will include;•   White Goods Appliance Repair•   Appliance Servicing•   Sale of Appliances•   Installation of Appliances•   Sale of Spare Parts•   Sale of Extended Warranty PoliciesPacifica provide a proven system for success, when it’s time to expand and take your business to the next level, we’ll be right there with you.Range of Services:·    Pacifica Training for business owners and staff·    Technical Field Support·    IT systems·    Manufacturer product training·    Access to the Pacifica supply chain·    Fully integrated website with Local search engine optimisation·    Van and signage·    Specialist tools, equipment and uniform·    Business Mentoring and Coaching·    Lifetime commissions on warranty sales·    Earning potential exceeding £100k per annumNext StepsIf you’re determined, passionate and dedicated to launching a business in the White Goods Repair Trade and have previous hands on mechanical/electrical experience or are already experienced in White Goods Repair then we want to hear from you. Available locations: NationwideBusiness type: FranchiseInvestment Required: Up to £15,000 + vatFinancing Assistance Provided: YesTraining Provided: YesField based: Yes

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